Hi Srikanth,
just to make sure I understand you correctly:
1) your app.mxml opens a new browser window by calling a js function
2) inside this newly created browser window, another mxml file is loaded
3) clicking on a Label inside the newly created window should update a TextInput inside the app.mxml
if that's correct, I suggest you take a look at the LocalConnection class. By using the LocalConnection class, you can exchange data directly between two mxml apps.
-----Original Message-----
From: Srikanth Duvvuri [mailto:[EMAIL PROTECTED]
Sent: Thursday, February 03, 2005 1:56 PM
To: flexcoders@yahoogroups.com
Subject: [flexcoders] unable to get value from popup to parent window



We have a basic JSP app_jsp.jsp which includes a mxml app.mxml. this mxml has got a textinputand button. Clicking the button invokes a _javascript_ function. The _javascript_ function opens a window to enable the user to select (mouse down event) one of the two labels. This window is a mxml window. The selected label needs tobe displayed in the textinput.


Unfortunately we need to follow the architecture specified above. Please do not suggest a different architecture. We have a limitation in our current application (that we are trying to port to Flex). The problem that we are facing is that the valuedoes not get assigned to the textinput. We are using window.open function to open the popup window.


This is a stubbed version of the huge code that we have. We are facing a similar problem inour main application also


Would be nice if we can get few suggestions on how to solve this problem







Note: app_js.js file included here, as unable to attach

function getRateCodeList() {

            var frm=document.forms[0];

            var oldCode = frm.rateCode.value;


            //if (oldCode != frm.rateCode.value) {

            //         getDetails('R');




function showRefCode(obj1,refType,delFlgInd,inPreceedence,obj2)


            var url="";


            window.open(url,"RefCodeList",'height=500, width=500');

            //var retVal = window.showModalDialog(url, '',"height=550, width=1000");



function showMain(d)





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