If you don't want to use a mix-in, a classthat basically adds stuff at runtime to an existing class (which from an OOP standpoint & Flex' future career, you shouldn't do, but from a Functional standpoint + Decorator is perfectly legal), then use Manish's example; he uses inheritance, much like the TitleWindow extends Panel and has a close button;
Also, Christophe Coenraets also has a great example of extending Panel:
(if his site fails, hit refresh)
----- Original Message -----
From: Seth Voltz
Sent: Thursday, February 03, 2005 5:46 AM
Subject: [flexcoders] Attempting to add a button to Panel titlebar

Fellow Flexcoders,

So I have been trying to place a button in the titlebar of one of my panels and started digging around. I remembered Jesse had put up an example of a mix-in class ( http://www.jessewarden.com/archives/2005/01/collapseable_pa.html ) for doing just that. I dug through the code and have had no luck. I have included the actionscript from my test file at the end of this message.

so my questions are:

1) Jesse, what voodoo do you do to get that to work? ;)
2) Everyone, is there a different way I can do this? Is Jesse's way the most efficient / elegant?



myPanel.mxml (root element is <mx:Panel /> with the following in a script tag, not including includes)

import mx.utils.*;
import de.richinternet.utils.Dumper;

private var menu_pb : Button;

public function initFunk ( ) {
Dumper.dump ( "Init..." );
_initMenuButton ( this ); // Not sure why I have to do this, but I don't got compile errors on menu_pb with this.

static private function _initMenuButton ( obj ) {
Dumper.dump ( "Init 2..." );

obj.createClassObject ( Button, "menu_pb", obj.getNextHighestDepth ( ));
obj.menu_pb.label = ">";
obj.menu_pb.setSize ( 22, 22 );
obj.menu_pb.addEventListener ( "click", Delegate.create ( obj, obj.onMenuButton ));

private function onMenuButton ( ) {
Dumper.dump ( "Trace: fileShare.onMenuButton()" );

static private function _sizeOverload ( obj ) {
Dumper.dump ( "Size 2..." );
obj.super.size ( );
obj.menu_pb.move ( obj.width - obj.menu_pb.width - 8, 4 );

function size ( ) : Void {
Dumper.dump ( "Size..." );
super.size ( );
_sizeOverload ( this );

/* All dumps to the tracer are accounted for and in the expected order... */

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