pioplacz wrote:

Maybe it sounds king of noobish but i'm a noob... but cannot get it to work... i tryed just passing the data from httpservice to datagrid but the right data won't show... I'm getting all confused.... maybe is something wrong with my php xml output... :S

Your XML output looks fine to me. A couple of things:

1. As Matt noted, you should use ArrayUtil.toArray() to make sure your data provider is an array, not an object (happens when you have only one node).

2. You need to allow access to external URLs by adding your URL to the whitelist in flex-config.xml. I'm not an expert in this. Read the docs.

When you say "it's not working," what exactly is failing? Are you getting an error message? Are you setting up a fault handler for your HTTPService and then swallowing the error? What format are you getting the data in, object or xml?

Show us some code and we can help you.

As an aside, I've done something similar, here:


You might find it easier to copy the code and edit it to suit your needs.


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