Miller Xie wrote:
(I didn't get the original message, so replying to Matt's response... the text's a little messed up...)
I have two questions :
1. Can |mx:TextArea||’||s |htmlText |include <Img/> ? If can||’||t ,how can I set an image to text?|||
You can use the IMG element in htmlText, but you need to surround it with some text/whitespace for something to show up. This seems to be a known issue in the TextField.
| || 2. In Charts, can one |mx.charts.series <file:///C:\Program%20Files\Macromedia\Flex%20Builder%201.5\Help\asdoc\mx\charts\series\index.html> use different colors? If can’t , Can I use customize renderers to draw different color in one series?
You can use CSS to specify a different colour. This seems to work for me only if the colour is specified in the Style block, and using the colour name ("red" instead of 0xFF0000). :-/
<mx:ColumnSeries xField="month" yField="count" name="Entries per Month" styleName="monthCountStyle" />
<mx:Style> .monthCountStyle { fill: red 0; /* 0 seems to have no significance! */ } </mx:Style>
I'm confused now. Let us know if you figure this out. This should work for you for now.