, sTitulo, Alert.OK | Alert.CANCEL, null, mx.utils.Delegate.create(this, click), '', Alert.OK);
It should solve your problem...

From: Fernando Barros [mailto:[EMAIL PROTECTED]
Sent: Thursday, April 14, 2005 5:56 PM
Subject: [flexcoders] Alert Listener

Hi there,


I have fixed the problems with yours helps but I still have some doubts.


Look this:

import mx.controls.Alert;

class classes.Confirmar{

            public function Confirmar()



            public function click(evt):Boolean


                        if (evt.detail == 4) //ok

                                   return true;


                                    return false;



            public function Show(sMensagem:String, sTitulo:String, sOkLabel:String, sCancelLabel:String)


                        Alert.okLabel = sOkLabel;

                        Alert.cancelLabel = sCancelLabel;

              , sTitulo, Alert.OK | Alert.CANCEL, null, this, '', Alert.OK);




So I did:


Var obj: classes.Confirmar = new classes.Confirmar();

obj. Show(……);


How can I access the click method if it’s a listener?


Thks in advance,


Fernando Barros



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