Something you did yesterday somehow changed your web service. Rather than trying to guess what that was lets try to solve the issue. From the solution you can then construct what might have changed. From your flashlog trace output it seems that a {context.root} token has creeped in to the URL
This looks wrong, agreed?
The fact that it has "{context.root}/flashproxy" is suspicious because that looks like the default url from the <web-service-proxy> section of the flex-config.xml file. Is the <url> element in this section commented out or uncommented?
Can you try specifying the webroot command line parameter for mxmlc? The following link is the Flex 1.5 documentation for mxmlc.
If that doesn't work, also try specifying the contextroot command line parameter for mxmlc.
The fact that you get errors with no information is because the request never makes it to the proxy and thus must contain web server errors with a status code like 404 rather than special flex-proxy-formatted errors in the body of a HTTP 200 response. Note there is a limitation in the Flash Player that it doesn't return the HTTP reponse body for a non-200 response. If you had an HTTP sniffer you could watch this traffic and see the 404 or whatever the HTTP error is.


From: [mailto:[EMAIL PROTECTED] On Behalf Of Steve Pruitt
Sent: Friday, May 06, 2005 9:09 AM
Subject: RE: [flexcoders] web services suddenly stopped working!!

I have been using mxmlc called by an ant script for about a year.  I don't specify a context root only the Flex config file and location of the Application mxml.  I have made no changes to this process.  Everything worked fine on Wednesday.  Yesterday, I developed a few new GUI components, recompiled, tried to run only to run into the problem below.  ???
The ant script looks like...
<target name="compile">
  <echo level="info" message="... compiling main application"/>
  <exec executable="${bin}/mxmlc.exe">
   <arg line="-configuration ${configFile} ${client}/DialogueAnywhere.mxml"/>

From: [mailto:[EMAIL PROTECTED] On Behalf Of Peter Farland
Sent: Thursday, May 05, 2005 6:47 PM
Subject: RE: [flexcoders] web services suddenly stopped working!!

Hmm, {context.root} should have been replaced at compile time by the context root.
Are you using mxmlc to compile this on the command line or are you browsing to the .mxml file? If you are using the command line, are you specifying a context root?

From: [mailto:[EMAIL PROTECTED] On Behalf Of Steve Pruitt
Sent: Thursday, May 05, 2005 6:40 PM
Subject: [flexcoders] web services suddenly stopped working!!

I have a very inexplicable problem and I have exhausted everything I know to check, twiddle, verify, etc.  Perhaps someone can think of something else.  My application has a set of webservices that have been working for months.  I have not changed anything related to the deployment environment.  I have not changed the WSDLs.  I have not changed the web services that are called.  When my application starts up it makes a web service call for a list of items.  This particular web service call has been operational for nearly a year.  The only major change I have made is switching over to Flex 1.5, but I did this last week and all of my web services have working up until now.  So I do not see how 1.5 is a factor.
Like I stated, when my application launches an initial window comes up and a web service call is invoked.  It looks like the call is never issued by Flex.  I use a tcp monitor and the request never shows.  What I do get is 5 alerts.  All five are completely blank and the title is simply Error.  If I click around blindly at the bottom of the alerts I can find the Ok button and it closes.  But, I have no idea what, if any, message is supposed to be viewable.  I have 5 wsdls so I think the 5 alerts is not coincidental.  However, like I said, they have not changed.  The way I deploy has not changed.  I have no idea what else I can look at or check on.
The flashlog shows no problems.  Each WSDL has the following in the flashlog:
5/5 18:22:29 [INFO] WebService: Creating stub for http://localhost:8080/anywhere/wsdl/User.wsdl
5/5 18:22:29 [INFO] WSDL: Creating WSDL object for http://localhost:8080/anywhere/{context.root}/flashproxy?transport=wsdl&target=http%3A%2F%2Flocalhost%3A8080%2Fanywhere%2Fwsdl%2FUser%2Ewsdl
5/5 18:22:29 [INFO] XMLSchema: Registering schema namespace:
5/5 18:22:29 [INFO] XMLSchema: Registering schema namespace:
5/5 18:22:29 [INFO] XMLSchema: Registering schema namespace:
5/5 18:22:29 [INFO] XMLSchema: Registering schema namespace:
5/5 18:22:29 [INFO] XMLSchema: Registering schema namespace:
5/5 18:22:29 [INFO] XMLSchema: Registering schema namespace: http://rpc.xml.coldfusion
5/5 18:22:29 [INFO] WSDL: Successfully created WSDL object
5/5 18:22:29 [INFO] WebService: Created stub for http://localhost:8080/anywhere/{context.root}/flashproxy?transport=wsdl&target=http%3A%2F%2Flocalhost%3A8080%2Fanywhere%2Fwsdl%2FUser%2Ewsdl
The Flex log doesn't show any problems, nor does anything appear in the server console.
The method for calling the first service is below.  Everyone of those trace stmts appears in the Flash log, so the method is not blowing up.
 public function fetchDSNList() : Object
trace("UserWebServiceImpl - fetchDSNList()");
     var request : XML = new XML();
var root : XMLNode = request.createElement(Constants.DSNLIST_REQUEST_TAG);
var dNode : XMLNode = request.createElement(Constants.LIST_TAG);
var tNode : XMLNode = request.createTextNode("Get List.");
trace("UserWebServiceImpl - calling: " + "FetchDSNList");
trace("UserWebServiceImpl - _userServices: " + _userServices);
     _userServices.FetchDSNList.request = request;  
     var userCall = _userServices.FetchDSNList.send();
trace("UserWebServiceImpl - userCall: " + userCall);
    userCall.resultHandler = mx.utils.Delegate.create(this, fetchDSNListResult);
    userCall.faultHandler  = mx.utils.Delegate.create(this, fetchDSNListFault);
trace("UserWebServiceImpl - creating return call");
    userCall.returnCall = new Object();
trace("UserWebServiceImpl - returning return call");
    return userCall.returnCall;

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