Not sure if anyone uses it, but I started using Eclipse Web Tools for MXML editing. You can specify the MXML schema and works it wonderfully so far.
Dimitrios "Jimmy" Gianninas
RIA Developer
Optimal Payments Inc.

From: Andrew Muller [mailto:[EMAIL PROTECTED]
Sent: Wednesday, May 18, 2005 8:55 PM
Subject: Re: [flexcoders] How to configure MXML schema in Eclipse + OxygenXML 6?


Apologies if this appears twice.

I buggerised around for a while and found success if I used the
following settings (totally non scientific/documented settings, might
be a better way):

In Window/Preferences/oXygen/Editor/Tag Insight/Default I added the following:

Namespace: <Any>
Root local name: <Any>
File name: <Any>
Schema type: XML Schema
Schema URI: file location of XSD file

I then moved this entry to the top of the list, have been using it for
about a day and it seems to work for me so far without having any
noticable side effect on other file types.



Andrew Muller
Partner, RocketBoots

On 5/19/05, Hans Omli <[EMAIL PROTECTED]> wrote:
>  Has anyone successfully set up tag insight with Eclipse and the new version
> of OxygenXML.  I had no trouble with OxygenXML 5.1, but can't seem to get
> tag insight working with 6.0.  Thanks!
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