Thanks Steven for clarifyng the reason for the new controller sintax, for what concern migrating from 0.95 to 0.99 it wasn’t to hard just had to rename the pasckage name for the swc to org.nevis.cairngorm , than I had to change the property ‘name’ in ‘id’ and remove ‘view = {this}’  in the viewHelpers files, and the application worked as before.


Da: [] Per conto di Steven Webster
Inviato: giovedì 19 maggio 2005 23.33
Oggetto: RE: [flexcoders] Re: Cairngorm 0.99


Hi Dave,


  • I ran into the same errors as reuben and Sean above with the exact same errors.
  • I have never heard of ANT until today. I'm a client-side developer. Just like Berardini. Server configuration is foreign to me. Lead my people to the Red Sea of Server Configuration. Help us cross. I think most AS 2.0/OOP developers understand and love working within the framework, but have a hard time getting over the hurdle of setting up the server and server files.
  • A clean install from the bare-bones helped.   

So first of all, I think it's great that "client-side developers" are so willing to get the Cairngorm samples

up and running; and I do think that you're going to get a rapid climb up the ramp by getting this sample

running and understanding how it all works on both sides of the wire.


However, our remit in producing the "Cairngorm Store" was not to provide a tutorial in Flex/J2EE application

development, but to provide those Flex/J2EE developers who are trying to understand how Cairngorm

fits in with what they do, a more comprehensive sample application than the simple Login example we

provided with 0.95.  We wanted to ship an app that incorporated a Flex presentation-tier built using

Cairngorm, that invokes a Java business tier with a database back-end.  The Java and database backend

are in no-way intended to be best-practice code (so don't go trying to build production Flex shops

using that code !) but our assumption is that J2EE folks are going to understand where to go from

this sample.


Don't get me wrong; we'll help you guys all we can to get this application running, and we do intend

blogging a bit more of a "getting started", but if a hurdle exists in configuring a J2EE application

server, installing a database for Java to call, working with Flex server configuration, etc, then the

remit of Cairngorm Store isn't to make that easier for you ... there's plenty of better resources out

there.  Fundamental assumption for Cairngorm, is that a developer is comortable developing and

configuring Flex applications on a Flex/J2EE server.


Please take this in the spirit it's intended .... our aim with Cairngorm is to provide the framework and

the examples that merit leveraging the framework; the base assumption is that you are developing

all tiers of an n-tier application, that you're comfortable developing apps of the complexity that really

start to merit a microarchitecture like Cairngorm.


The great thing about open-source frameworks like this though, is community participation ... so if

I hear you correctly that there's a need for a "Installing the Cairngorm Store for Client-Side

Developers" whitepaper, then I'd be delighted for you to volunteer to write it.... :-) 

  • I agree with hecubus that the release notes should state that .99 isn't compatible with .95. We're probably 5 projects into Cairngorm .95, and I think we had anticipated a seamless upgrade.

I'm not quite sure what you mean by incompatibility; the only change we're asking you to make -

and we thought long and hard about this one - is renaming the com.iterationtwo.cairngorm

packages to org.nevis.cairngorm.  That's something that is a global search and replace

operation on your source code, and is the *only* thing you have to do to migrate from

0.95 to 0.99


If you then drop the org.nevis.cairngorm.* packages in the same place you had 

com.iterationtwo.cairngorm.* then you should be back where you started.


If, however, you want to benefit by using cairngorm.swc (so you can keep the Cairngorm

source out of your project source) then you're going to have to do a little extra work -

adding the manifest entry to flex-config.xml.  That's all ... nothing more.


However, in terms of compatibility; there's nothing that we've changed in the API that

will break anything you're doing currently ... that was a huge motivation for the

decisions we made in 0.99, NOT to break existing functionality.


If you find a 0.95 app isn't working with 0.99, please let us know how .... if it's

merely that you have some updating of config files because you want to use

the manifest, and you have to do a global search and replace, then that's the

degree of "migration" we anticipated, and documented I hope.


We just migrated a large e-commerce Flex app from the 0.95 source tree, to

the 0.99 SWC, and it was a 10-minute task for one of our developers, to do the

migration and re-run the unit-tests.....if it's a bigger task for you, I'm keen to

know the pain you're having ?


  • Item 3.2 in the docs should state that you have to copy over the flex-config file for your particular project and why.  

We'll make that more explicit for those that aren't following the instructions

verbatim ;-) <G> 

  • In some places, the docs show a path with '/' and sometimes without. I dragged my flex-config to the wrong folder (it was 1 up). The docs should be more consistent. For example:
    •  bin/cairngorm.swc to
  • bin/cairngorm-manifest.xml to


Sorry, I'm not seeing the problem here ... 


WEBAPP_DIR/cairngormlogin/WEB-INF/flex and WEBAPP_DIR/cairngormlogin/WEB-INF/flex/

would refer to the same directory ?!?!


Sorry if I'm missing something...


  • "these" is spelled "theses" on page 2: flex contains the source Flex files of the Cairngorm API, you only need theses if
    you are recompiling the SWC


Good spot, thanks !


Many thanks for the feedback, keep it coming !







Steven Webster
Technical Director




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