My comfort zone is in the Action Script approach.  See the RemoteObject example in the link below for an example of how to create the request object arguments in AS and call the remote object.


You can also do this in declarative mxml, and use binding to get the argument value and without explicitly using send.  I don’t have an example handy, but I recall seeing one in the Developing Flex Apps documentation.




From: [] On Behalf Of Craig Newroth
Sent: Friday, June 03, 2005 7:50 AM
Subject: RE: [flexcoders] prblem with getting dat back from A Remote Object


yes, i did not have the send, and it appears that I am not really sending the data in the parameter to the RO. If i run it as a web service i get this in the network monitor:

Method: Thrust_Query
Parameter 1:

name : ThrustName
type : string

value[array] :

length[Number] : 1
[0][String] : ASMT - Affordable Structures & Mfg. Tech


if i run it as a RO i get this in the network monitor:

Method: gvs._cfc.gvs_queries.Thrust_Report
Parameter 1:

name : param1
type : object

value[array] :

length[Number] : 1
[0][String] : ASMT - Affordable Structures and Mfg. Tech


so it look like in need to add <mx:Arguments> tag to my RO tag? not sure how to do this, i think i saw it somewhere in the online docs, but not sure where :-)


Tracy Spratt <[EMAIL PROTECTED]> wrote:

I am assuming I missed the send().

Have you traced or alerted the result in your result handler?


-----Original Message-----
From: [] On
Behalf Of cnewroth55
Sent: Thursday, June 02, 2005 12:11 PM
Subject: [flexcoders] prblem with getting dat back from A Remote Object

hi all, I am haiving a problem getting my data back from my call to
a RO. It looks like (in the network monitor) that the call is
working, but I am not getting any data back into my datagrid (where
i think i have the binding right).
the netowrk monitor shows this:

Method: gvs._cfc.gvs_queries.Thrust_Query
Parameter 1:
name : param1
type : object
value[object] :
ThrustName[array] :
length[Number] : 1
[0][String] : ASMT - Affordable Structures and Mfg. Tech
and my code is this:

//the call to the RO
<mx:RemoteObject id="gvsQueriesWS" endpoint="http://www-stl-"
source="gvs._cfc.gvs_queries" >
<mx:method name="Thrust_Query" result="onGetThrustList
(event.result)" />
the scraip call to put everything where is it supposed to go (this
is where I think i am doing it wrong)
                  var thrustSelectedData:Object;  //array of
selected thrust reports
                  var reviewThrusts:Object; //array of thrusts
            // Store selected items into thrust object
            function thrustSelect():Void{
                  thrustSelectedData.ThrustName =
            function getThrustQueriesWS(){ //pass the data to
the RO
                  showSelectedThrusts.text =
            // assign returned thrust data to review data model
            function onGetThrustList(result:Object):Void{
            reviewThrusts = result;

the rest of the code (got some extra stuff in this but that doesn't
matter, not being used)
      <mx:List dataProvider="{link2Data}" change="getThrustQueriesWS
()" id="thrustCB" multipleSelection="true" width="250"
toolTip="Select from this list to get an overview. Hold the control
key down to select multiple items." alpha="0" color="#FFFFFF"
          <mx:Text text="Select from below to create your report"
width="240" color="#FFFFFF" />
        <mx:Spacer />
        <mx:FormItem >
              <mx:RadioButtonGroup id="reportType" />
              <mx:RadioButton label="Summary"
groupName="reportType" data="" selected="true"
              <mx:RadioButton label="Detail"
groupName="reportType" data="" color="#FFFFFF"/>
        <mx:RadioButtonGroup id="reportFormat" />
        <mx:RadioButton label="PDF Format" groupName="reportFormat"
data="" selected="true" color="#FFFFFF" />
        <mx:RadioButton label="Flash Paper Format"
groupName="reportFormat" data="" color="#FFFFFF"/>
        <mx:RadioButton label="Excel Format"
groupName="reportFormat" data="" color="#FFFFFF"/>
        <mx:Spacer width="55" />

        <mx:Button label="Create Report" toolTip="Be sure you
selected a report format" click="getPDFReports()"
id="createReportButton" />
        <mx:Text text="Text" id="showSelectedThrusts" />
  <mx:Text text="Thrust Report(s) - Summary Overview" width="229"
color="#FFFFFF" />

myLinkBar.LinkBar {
   horizontal-gap: 22;
   stroke-color: #CCCCCC;
   roll-over-color: #e1e1e1;
   selection-color: #cccccc;
   text-rollover-color: #cccccc;
   disabled-Color: #0099CC;
   reportType.RadioButton {
   fill-colors: #0099ff, #ffffff;
<!-- Create a LinkBar container to navigate the ViewStack
container. -->
<!-- Define the ViewStack and the three child containers. -->

      <mx:DataGrid id="datagrid1" x="0" y="44"
dataProvider="{reviewThrusts}" rowCount="10"  width="100%"
                    <mx:DataGridColumn headerText="PW Thrust"
columnName="RTGPRIMARYPWTHRUST" width="125" />
                    <mx:DataGridColumn headerText="Business
Unit" columnName="RTGBOEINGIDSBUSINESSUNIT" width="140" />
              <mx:DataGridColumn headerText="Business Program"
columnName="RTGBOEINGPROGRAMNAME" width="140" />
                    <mx:DataGridColumn headerText="Need ID"
columnName="RTGCBNEED1IDNUMBER" width="150" />
                    <mx:DataGridColumn headerText="Title"
columnName="RTGELEMENTNAME" width="300" />

dose anyone spot what i might be doing wrong that is completly

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