By the look of it you are trying to use DataAvailable and it is not valid.
You might want to try this:

          var JobRunning:Object = gvsJob.ReportJob.result; 

This appears to be the way the example in the Flex Samples Explorer->Dynamic
Data Services does it.   <wsId>.<operation>.result

You may have to dig through the result for what you want but that is
probably not hard.


-----Original Message-----
> <mx:WebService wsdl="http://blahblah/_cfc/gvs_reports.cfc?wsdl"; 
> id="gvsJob">
>         <mx:operation name="ReportJob" />         
> </mx:WebService>
> <mx:Script>
>       <![CDATA[
>         var JobRunning:Object = ReportJob.DataAvailable.result; 
>       ]]>
>         //Checks to see if database Jobs are running, if they are 
> not it will 
>         //say available = yes, if they are it will say available = 
> no
>         if (JobRunning == "No") 
>         {
>                 someactions     
>           }
> </mx:Script>

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