(I’ve had to be away from the list for a couple of weeks, so I apologize if this has been covered already)


Is there any way to, through ActionScript, enable and disable the visibility of a series in a chart?




    <mx:ColumnSeries yField="col_preqs" name="Requests" showDataEffect="effect_interpolate" />

    <mx:ColumnSeries yField="col_pbytes" name="Bytes" showDataEffect="effect_interpolate" />




For example, in the above code, I’d like to be able to turn off and on the visibility of the Requests and the Bytes columns.  There’s an example of something similar on Flex Authority, but it simply modifies the requested information from a service to not include information that isn’t requested. 


I’ve already got the information, and I just want to hide and unhide its display.



* Jeff Beeman
* Digital Media & Instructional Technologies
* Arizona State University


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