Title: Problem using removeNode()

Wouldnt this work:

for (var locNode:XMLNode=aNode.firstChild; locNode != null; locNode=locNode.nextSibling){
        if (locNode.nodeType == 1 && locNode.nodeName=="location"){
                var exclude:Boolean = false;
                if (some condition here){
                        exclude = true;

                var nextNode = loclNode.nextSibling;

                localNode = nextNode;

Another thing u could do i create an array with nodes to be removed, and remove them after u found out wich ones needed to be removed.
Greetz Erik


From: flexcoders@yahoogroups.com [mailto:[EMAIL PROTECTED] On Behalf Of Dogra, Daman
Sent: donderdag 30 juni 2005 16:39
To: flexcoders@yahoogroups.com
Subject: [flexcoders] Problem using removeNode()

Hi All,

I am facing a Coder's block here and would appreciate help . This is kind of long and I apologize for the same .

Using actionscript I am looping some nodes (called "location") in a XML document and based on some condition would like to remove a few "location" nodes from the XML . Here's my initial code

for (var locNode:XMLNode=aNode.firstChild; locNode != null; locNode=locNode.nextSibling){
        if (locNode.nodeType == 1 && locNode.nodeName=="location"){
                var exclude:Boolean = false;
                if (some condition here){
                        exclude = true;

The above code does not work, because after removing the first "location" node, the loop is never executed again as loop condition locNode != null is not fullfilled (because the locNode being evaluated just got deleted).

I tried to solve this by having another pointer (called delNode) moving along with locNode and using delNode to remove nodes , while keep moving locNode on to next sibling . The problem I now face is that after delNode deletes a node, I am not able to have it catch up with locNode . Here's the code

for (var locNode:XMLNode=aNode.firstChild; locNode != null;){
        if (locNode.nodeType == 1 && locNode.nodeName=="location"){
                var exclude:Boolean = false;
                if (some condition here){
                        exclude = true;
                //would like some kind of statement here to have delNode catch up with locNode

Would appreciate any suggestions / modifications.


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