Iam having some doubts with datagrid. My datagrid values are not
changing if iam using LabelFunction attribute in datagrid column. How
to solve this issue. Iam requesting you to give me ideas how can i
resolve this issue.

My Code:
<mx:Form id="editForm" label="View and Edit XML Rules">
                              <mx:FormItem label="Rule DocType:"
                              <mx:TextInput id="doctype" width="280"
fontWeight="normal" editable="false"  />
                        <mx:FormItem label="Target:" fontWeight="bold">
                              <mx:ComboBox id="target"
dataProvider="{targ}" width="150" fontWeight="normal"/>
                    <mx:FormItem label="Rule Handler:" fontWeight="bold">
                        <mx:TextInput id="handler" width="280"
fontWeight="normal" editable="false" styleName="wrapme"/>
                    <mx:FormItem label="Stylesheet:" fontWeight="bold">
                        <mx:TextInput id="stylesheet" width="280"
fontWeight="normal" editable="false"/>
                  <mx:FormItem label="IdLocations:" fontWeight="bold"/>
                    <mx:DataGrid id="dgrid" dataProvider="{b}"
width="600" rowCount="5" editable="false" wordWrap="true">
headerText="IDLocation Description" dataField="@description"
width="150" editorDataField="text"/>
headerText="IDLocation Path" dataField="@path" editorDataField="text"/>
headerText="Column-Index" dataField="@column-index" width="70"/>
headerText="Separator Used" dataField="@separator" width="70"/>
                    <mx:FormItem label="Special Cases:"
                    <mx:DataGrid id="dgrid1" dataProvider="{c}"
width="600" rowCount="5" editable="false">
headerText="Priority" dataField="@priority" width="50"
headerText="Test" dataField="@test"/>
headerText="Handler" dataField="@handler"/>

                            ---->        <mx:DataGridColumn
headerText="SpecialCaseStylesheet Name" labelFunction="displayName"/>
                             ---->      <mx:DataGridColumn
headerText="SpecialCaseTarget Destination"

                        <mx:Button id="edit" label="Edit Rule"
                         <mx:Button id="save" label="Save Rule"
                         <mx:TextArea id="xmlObj" text="{externalXML}"

In the above code i pointed two lines with arrow mark ---> for those
two lines column is not changing.
Even if i change something in that column and once again get focus out
of that column then once again the previous data is only coming what
ever i wrote was vanishing.
What is the problem when iam using labelFunction attribute.

Thanks in advance,

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