try changing the verticalScrollPosition property.
adg.verticalScrollPosition = 5;
Dimitrios Gianninas
RIA Developer and Team Lead
Optimal Payments Inc.


From: [mailto:[EMAIL PROTECTED] On Behalf Of Parker 
Sent: Tuesday, August 05, 2008 12:12 AM
Subject: [flexcoders] scroll to non-visible item in hierarchical 

Hey all,

I need to programmatically scroll an AdvancedDataGrid component, without 
changing the currently selected row, to an arbitrary item in a HierarchicalData 
provider.  I have another component that displays the samedataset, and I want 
to synchronize the display states of both,including select, mouseOver and 
mouseOut.  The grid needs to scroll as themouse is hovered over a new item in 
the other component.  I've posted an image here 
<>  to illustrate.

This seems like it should be a fairly straightforward feature to implement, but 
I've already wasted at least 10 hours struggling with it.  The issue, of 
course, is that scrollToIndex won't work since the list item is most likely 
non-visible and doesn't have an item renderer associated with it to pull an 
index from.

This is the event listener for the click event on the second graph, which 
changes & scrolls to the new selection, and expands the newly selected node.  
No problems there:

        private function nodeClickHandler(e:NodeEvent):void
            grid.selectedItem =;
            grid.expandItem(grid.selectedItem, true, true);

I also tried holding the current selection in a temporary variable, changing 
the selection, then switching back to the original selection.  Doesn't work.  I 
tried doing the same but delaying the reset for a frame to give the list a 
chance to update, but that caused all kinds of odd behavior with the indices. 

            var temp:Object = grid.selectedItem;
            grid.selectedItem =;
            var itemIndex:uint = grid.selectedIndex;
            grid.selectedItem = temp;

The only other method I could think of was to use a frameloop and iterate 
through the list until the item came into view and returned a renderer, but it 
started returning renderers even when the item was off screen, and attempting 
to scroll to the renderer's index did nothing.  I'm at a complete loss here!  
Can anyone point me in the right direction!?



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