
Your code for the filter function looks fine.  Must be a data or slider
value issue.  Make sure that you set the slider's values array to two
values that would include all of the prices in the dataProvider.  It's
possible that the range of values for the slider is too low or high;
thus eliminating all of the items.


--- In flexcoders@yahoogroups.com, "stinasius" <[EMAIL PROTECTED]> wrote:
> hi thanks for the link, maybe you can help me out here, i am filtering
> the datagrid using three controls (2 combo boxes and a slider), the
> filter works without the slider but when i add the slider into the
> equation nothing shows up in the data grid when each control is
> clicked. here is my filter function please help me
> public function filterGrid():void{
> dataAr.filterFunction=cityFilter;
> dataAr.refresh();
> //dgrid.selectedIndex = null;
> }
> public function cityFilter(item:Object):Boolean{
> var result:Boolean=false;
> if ( (city_cb.selectedLabel == "All" || item.city ==
> city_cb.selectedLabel) && (lct_cb.selectedLabel == "All" ||
> item.location == lct_cb.selectedLabel) && (item.value >
> priceSlider.values[0] && item.value < priceSlider.values[1])
> ){
> result=true;
> }
> return result;
> }
> thanks in advance

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