Thanks Vijay, Tim,


I definitely had two issues.  Tim nailed one in that I was adding the
existing child object to the new view and therefore removing it from the old
because I copied a reference.


I'm still struggling with the capture part.  I think I need a bit of
clarification on your suggestions Vijay.


I think I followed your instructions.  Because updateDisplayList() is
protected, I had to expose it by extending the component to provide a public
method to pass the unscaled width and height to, then calling the internal
updateDisplayList, passing it the size properties received in the public


I have a tab navigator with canvas children for each tab.  In the canvas
child I have and HBox barchart container and inside the container, I have
the barchart object.


The HBox supports a protected updateDisplayList() method, but the BarChart
object does not.  Based on your advice I stepped through each tab child
canvas, got a reference to the extended HBox container, forced an
updateDisplayList on the extended HBox with the unscaled size of the
BarChart child in the container.


I didn't actually set the child selected index of each tab which in theory
would force it to be visible, but I think your advice said I didn't have to.
I just got the references to the containers by
myTabNav.getChildAt(i).myHBoxContainer, then did an updateDisplayList, then
did my cloning, put the clone in an array in the model, supplied the tile
list with the array.and voila.still only the first tab container.


Did I force the updateDisplay on the right object?


Thanks for your help on this,



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