I have a class that extends PieChart(I'm calling this CustomPie) and
I'm passing in an array returned from an ArrayCollection. The new
array I've called "alternateLegendData." So I define this as a public
variable(Object) in the class and I can now pass in a new parameter.
My goal is to use this array being passed in as the data for the
PieChart legend.

In mxml in CustomPie, I have
alternateLegendData="{myArrayCollection.getItemAt(x)}" - this works,
and it passes in the right array, but for some reason it is an Object
and not an Array and I cannot manipulate it.

So my problem is that I built an ArrayCollection:


So essentially the ArrayCollection is, as the name states, a
collection of arrays.

When I do, for example, myArrayCollection.getItemAt(1), an Object is
returned and not an Array.

I've tried doing Array(myArrayCollection.getItemAt(1)),
ArrayUtil.toArray(myArrayCollection.getItemAt(1)) - neither of these
will return an array.

Anyone have an idea?

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