I have a report that I can print out two ways in Flex.  When you select the
report a TitleWindow is created and says do you want version one or version
two (Buttons to click).  The report is big-ish, 70 pages.  Here is the weird
deal... If I choose one of the versions (click a button) it brings up the
print dialog box and I can hit print.  It then says preparing and starts to
say printing page 1 . Page 2 ... Page n.  BUT at about page 25 another
preparing to print box pops up, (just like when I originally click on the
version button) and the program crashes.  So I thought that somehow the
version button is calling it's event listener again at about page 25, but I
have set up debug points everywhere and it only seems to be calling the
eventlistener once.  If I take out the intermediate step of version choice
and just hard code a version it prints fine.  Does anybody have any ideas as
to what could be happening?

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