Hi Amy,

Well, I have complete control over the database. This where we might have a
problem, it seemed at the time that creating a table with around 200 columns
would be unreasonable. A table was created to handle each of the products.
Each product has as many as 20-30 columns and for the most part, do not
relate to each other. I pondered over normalization for over a week. But now
look at the issue...

Hmm, what would be the issue in creating a single arrayCollection from all
sources? How would this differ in any way from loading a single enormous
array directly from the db? Looks like I¹m down to two options, recreate the
db and over half the constructed application to deal with the changes in
code, or figure out a way to combine the tables within the application or
the Union query as you suggested.


Reply-To: <flexcoders@yahoogroups.com>
Date: Thu, 21 Aug 2008 18:32:56 -0000
To: <flexcoders@yahoogroups.com>
Subject: [flexcoders] Re: Change dataProvider at runtime?


--- In flexcoders@yahoogroups.com <mailto:flexcoders%40yahoogroups.com> ,
"cox.blair" <[EMAIL PROTECTED]> wrote:
> Does anyone have experience with changing a dataprovider at runtime?
> Scenerio: a grocery store Database has four tables, one for Produce,
> Dairy, Meat and Other. Each of the tables is a different
> arrayCollection/HTTPService
> I want to be able to have four comboboxes, each able to point to any
> of the four arrayCollection's, therefore to change the datasource of
> each series in a chart.
> Why? Because it would allow you to compare values of different data
> sets in a single chart. I did not expect this would be such an issue.
> If anyone can provide any information at all, it would be a huge help.

Preferred method:

If you have any control over the database, FIX THE DESIGN.  If not, use
a UNION query to normalize the data, then use a filter function to
filter on grocery type and refresh the ArrayCollection.

Icky method:
If you have no control over the backend at all, then you can use
something like myChart.dataProvider = nastyArrayCollection





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