
I just started using the Flex Component Kit so I am probably not doing it 
right.  If I have a symbol that's linked to a UIMovieClip subclass in my Flex 
project, and if the class uses any Flex framework stuff, Flash would refuse to 
publish my FLA skin file.  This makes sense since the Flex framework is not in 
Flash's classpath.  To get around things I also made my Flash point to another 
classpath set up specifically to placate the Flash compiler, in it I have a 
dummy version of the UIMovieClip subclass that doesn't refer to any Flex 
framework stuff at all.  Of course the real Flex code is still using the actual 
UIMovieClip subclass that does everything.  It's a little dumb, hence donkey 
patching (as opposed to the smarter monkey).  Is there anything I should be 
doing instead?



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