Hmm, the code for the states looks fine.  Perhaps, the variables that
you are using for the component's width and height are not getting set
properly or the components are getting created, but they may be out of
view.  Anyone else see anything here?


--- In, "lisabethc" <[EMAIL PROTECTED]> wrote:
> Below is some mxml of the code. If I just put the calendar stuff
> outside within the application tags it works, but as part of a state,
> the custom components, flexlib:Timeline and flexlib:ScheduleViewer do
> not render (the rest does).
> Thanks!
> liz
> <mx:Application xmlns:mx="";
> xmlns:flexlib="flexlib.scheduling.*"
> #FFFFFF]" backgroundGradientAlphas="[1.0, 0.94]"
> creationComplete="onCreationComplete();" layout="absolute"
> horizontalGap="0" horizontalAlign="left" width="1270" height="700"
> currentState="calendar">
> <mx:states>
> <mx:State name="calendar">
> <mx:SetStyle target="{label1}" name="textAlign"
> value="center"/>
> <mx:AddChild>
> <mx:HBox horizontalGap="30" id="cal_hbox_outer">
> <mx:VBox verticalGap="30" id="cal_vbox_vbox_side">
> <mx:Label text="Welcome {userName}" color="#1A6B39"
> fontSize="18" fontFamily="Verdana" id="label1"></mx:Label>
> <mx:DateChooser id="date1" change =
> "updateInitDataProvider(event)" fillAlphas="[1.0, 1.0]"
> fillColors="[#ECD9D9, #FE0101]"/>
> <mx:Button width="172" height="49" fillAlphas="[1.0,
> 1.0]" fillColors="[#5EA87A, #1A6B39]" label="Schedule A Meeting!"
> id="schedulMeeting" cornerRadius="10" click= "createPopUp()"
> color="#DCECE9"/>
> </mx:VBox>
> <mx:VBox autoLayout="true" verticalGap="0"
> horizontalAlign="right" borderStyle="solid" backgroundColor="#DDDDDD"
> id="vbox1">
> <mx:HBox horizontalAlign="right" >
> <mx:HorizontalList
> id="vRowsList"
> width="856"
> rowHeight="{scheduleRowHeight}"
> dataProvider="{ rowDataProvider }"
> columnWidth="120"
> horizontalScrollPolicy="off"
> verticalAlign="top"
> styleName="channelListStyle"
> dragEnabled="false"
> textAlign="center"
> backgroundColor="#FB0C0C"
> />
> </mx:HBox>
> <mx:HBox id= "schedule" horizontalGap="0"
> verticalScrollPolicy="on" verticalScrollPosition="480" height="600">
> <flexlib:Timeline
> id="vTimeline"
> visible="true"
> EntryRenderer"
> neLayout"
> backgroundColor="#DDDDDD"
> textAlign = "left"
> height="{ scheduleViewerHeight }"
> width="{horizontalTimelineWidth}"
> borderStyle="none"
> startDate="{ startDate }"
> endDate="{ endDate }"
> minimumTimeRangeHeight="30"
> scroll="onScrollTimeline(vScheduleViewer, event.position,
> />
> <flexlib:ScheduleViewer
> id="vScheduleViewer"
> visible="true"
> initialize="onVScheduleViewerCreationComplete()"
> creationComplete="onVScheduleViewerCreationComplete()"
> width="{scheduleViewerWidth}"
> height="{scheduleViewerHeight}" borderStyle="solid"
> dataProvider="{dataProvider}"
> startDate="{ startDate }" endDate="{ endDate }"
> rowHeight="30"
> columnWidth="120"
> verticalScrollPolicy="off"
> pixelScrollEnabled="true"
> horizontalScrollPolicy="off"
> backgroundColor="#FFFFFF"
> redGradientCalendarScheduleEntryRenderer"
> rticalLayout"
> VerticalLinesLayout"
> "
> l.HorizontalLinesLayout"
> inesViewer"
> ticalBackgroundLayout"
> dottedGridLines="false"
> horizontalGridLineColor="#87d6f7"
> verticalGridLineColor="#87d6f7"
> pixelScroll="onScrollScheduleViewer( event );"
> itemScroll="scrollList( event )"
> />
> </mx:HBox>
> </mx:VBox>
> </mx:HBox>
> </mx:AddChild>
> </mx:State>
> </mx:states>
> </mx:Application>
> --- In, "Tim Hoff" TimHoff@ wrote:
> >
> >
> > Hi Liz,
> >
> > It's probably something minor; like not using addChild for the
> > component. Hard to say though without seeing your code. If you want,
> > post some code. There's a lot of people here that are capable and
> > willing to help you.
> >
> > -TH
> >
> > --- In, "lisabethc" lisabethc@ wrote:
> > >
> > > Hi,
> > >
> > > I am using some custom components in one of my view states. If I
> > > the custom components in the base state (outside the <states> tag)
> my
> > > application renders properly. However, if I switch it around, and
> > > make my other state the base state, and explicitly declare my
> > > with the custom components inside the <states> tag, the customs
> parts
> > > of it do not render. Any ideas what might be causing this?
> > >
> > > Thanks!
> > > -liz
> > >
> >

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