
It looks like you want to use AMFPHP and return AMF data serialized.

If you can't use AMF, then you should return your data as xml (create xml
representation of the array you created). Note you don't have to use xml
but, you need some string, not a php array.

In flex, you need to add an event listener to the URLLoader instance and
listen for the complete event, the data will be available in the event
object from the complete event.

Other than that google has a lot about flex/php and the docs show you how to
use the URLLoader and it's dependencies.


On Wed, Sep 3, 2008 at 9:51 AM, nash.e2008 <[EMAIL PROTECTED]> wrote:

>   hi, my name is JIM, new to the FLEX.
> i am wishing if some of you guys can help me out here....
> and plz help me out here.....
> i have no idea how I can solve this problem....
> the question is within communication from flex to php
> and i already succeed receiving value at PHP side although I can not
> send value as array from php.
> (Im able to get value at php side from Database)
> How can I send value from php to flex?
> P.S. sorry for my terrible English.
> this is a source
> <?php
> require_once("DB_Login.php");
> $genre_sql = "SELECT column FROM table";
> $shop_sql = "SELECT column FROM table";
> $data = new getDBData();
> $genre_row = $data->get_Data($genre_sql);
> $shop_row = $data->get_Data($shop_sql);
> $return_Data[] = $genre_row;
> $return_Data[] = $shop_row;
> //I am thinking the error is the way to return the value
> echo $return_Data[];
> class getDBData{
> function getDBData(){
> }
> /**
> * receive the data, and make it array
> * received value FSQL execute command
> * return value Farray
> * */
> function get_Data($sql){
> // MySQL communicating
> if (!($rs = mysql_query($sql))) {
> die;
> }
> // MySQL viewing record
> $init = True;
> while ($item = mysql_fetch_array($rs)) {
> // MySQL init
> if ($init) {
> // MySQL counting # of records
> $clct = count($item) >> 1;
> // MySQL checking the name of items
> reset($item);
> for ($i = 0; $i < $clct; $i++) {
> $tmp = each($item); // dummy
> $tmp = each($item);
> list($mds, $dmy) = $tmp;
> }
> // MySQL command ended
> $init = False;
> }
> for ($i = 0; $i < $clct; $i++) {
> $array[] = $item[$i];
> }
> }
> return $array;
> }
> }
> ?>
> source code of receiving the value
> private function get_Result(event:Event):void
> {
> var loader:URLLoader = event.target as URLLoader;
> var result:Array = loader.data;
> //I have no idea how to receive the value here.......
> }

Teoti Graphix, LLC

Teoti Graphix Blog

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