The flash installer (playerProductInstall.swf) tries to reload the 
container page in a new Explorer window when the installation is 
complete. Today, I found out why they do this, and I was wondering if 
anyone knows of a work-around...

My first idea was this:
If a new version is required, pop up a new window containing the 
installer. Then, from the container, poll the flash version 
(DetectFlashVer()) until it's updated.

This didn't work. DetectFlashVer() kept returning the same old 
version number.

So just to see how bad the situation was, I refreshed the containing 
HTML page after Flash 9 was installed. And lo -- the installer page 
popped right back up. So even after a refresh, it can't detect the 
flash version correctly.

Is there any way to fix this? This page sometimes shows up in an 
embedded MSHTML control, so it's not always possible to reload the 
page in a new window.

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