Seriously folks, can we honestly get past the whole "Flash Killer" hysteria.
Silverlight and Flash will co-exist, this not a zero-sum game. To put it
another way, think of this competitive situation as Pepsi vs Coke (both
appear to be selling well and choice is a great thing?)

Some of the Adobe Evangelism squad probably need to get behind this thinking
as I fear a lot of their reactive positioning has spilled over to the
community and the below highlight seems to really come from Adobe community
members mainly? *shrug* your call, your believe system :)

On Tue, Sep 2, 2008 at 8:33 AM, Robert Thompson <[EMAIL PROTECTED]>wrote:

> 2. I asked the group, which I've not posted on for a very long time, but
> have followed since the very 1st FLEX Beta, and is where I go to ask people
> like Matt Chotin who was either with Macromedia and now Adobe the last time
> I spoke about encouraging Adobe to support an OpenGL effort so that 
> SilverLight
> doesn't try to squash Flash; I posted to hope for a response from him or
> someone in his position about Scene7 and how it will effect Flex coding.
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Scott Barnes
Rich Client Platform Manager

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