I have this weird issue and i can't figure it out, let me explain:

I have a java object A which has a HashMap variable myMap, this map
will hold objects of class B. In ActionScript i have the corresponding
class A which has a variable myMap but since there is no HashMap in
ActionScript its type is Object and i also have the corresponding class B.

public class A {
  public var myMap:Object; // this is the HashMap in Java

public class B {
  public var id:Number;
  public var name:String;

I need to put the objects B contained in the map inside a DataGrid so
i am obtaining the object of class A using a RemoteObject and then i
iterate over the myMap property using a for each in loop, like this:

for each(var i:* in objectA.myMap) {

The first issue appears here, suppose the java HashMap contains 3
elements, in the ActionScript loop i get 4 elements, the fourth one
being a reference to the A object (its key appears as "owner"). In
order to avoid this i use the "is" operator like this:

for each(var i:* in objectA.myMap) {
   if (i is B) {

Now here is the real issue, when i do this the B objects contained in
the myMap property are reset to their initial values (NaN and empty
string according to the B class). I changed the if condition to this
and worked:

for each(var i:* in objectA.myMap) {
   if (!(i is A)) {
When i did this the DataGrid shows the elements in the
someArrayCollection perfectly fine. I did a little more testing and i
"figured" out the issue, if i use an instance of class B anywhere in
my application, the values of the B objects inside the myMap property
are reset, for example:

for each(var i:* in objectA.myMap) {
   if (i is B) {
var test:B = new B();

This resets the B objects inside the myMap property of the A object
which makes no absolute sense, this is why when i used the B class in
the if condition the objects reset their values.

So the thing is whenever i use the B class, which is the class of the
objects inside myMap, the B objects are reset!!!! Does anyone know how
to fix this?????

I am using Flex 2.01 hotfix 3, i wonder if this is some kind of bug
that was solved in a later release.

Any help would be appreciated.

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