On 12/09/2008, at 3:08 AM, Troy Gilbert wrote:
> Now, I'm using FB on Mac (v3). The help is far less useful. When I hit
> F2, the help goes to the class's page, but doesn't jump to the
> function/property/style. Worse, the help uses my default web browser,
> so if I'm in the middle of debugging (a common time to need help!)
> nothing happens as FB has "paused" my browser's process (thus new
> windows don't pop up). Finally, if I search for something from within
> the help I get dozens of results before getting the actual class
> (e.g., search for "DisplayObject" doesn't show the DisplayObject class
> until many, many, many pages of results later (I assume... I actually
> gave up looking for it in the list).

Experienced the exact same thing and was even going to write up about  
that exact same class.  As Amy suggested the filtering does help, but  
mine now searches more intelligently even when the scope is changed  
back to all.  Although it says it does it's indexing first up, I am  
still inclined to think that it still modifies or alters it's index  
later on, as DisplayObject now returns the class definition as 4th  
item and Properties and Methods of DisplayObject as the first item.  I  
created a search scope that had just the refs, perhaps that forced it  
to clean up some ?  Still doesn't resolve the browser window closing  
and browser blocking issues related to launching help and googling is  
far less useful considering the amount of cross over between flex 2/3  
and flash and general AS3.

Can't believe that i miss CHM files from VS.Net development.


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