I have a form Item which contains RadioButtonGroup and a Repeater which dynamically loads up RadioButtons from model data, it is inside a VBox container:
<mx:FormItem direction="horizontal"> <mx:Label text="Status:"/> <mx:RadioButtonGroup id="statusType" selectedValue="{model.selectedValuation.valuationAdmin.valuation_statu s}"/> <mx:Repeater id="valStatus" dataProvider="{listModel.allValuationStatuses}"> <mx:RadioButton id="vs" group="{statusType}" label="{valStatus.currentItem.title}"/> </mx:Repeater> </mx:FormItem> On creationComplete() I call init() which in turn calls loadUserInfo(). Here I call selectedValStatus and pass on selected data from model: private function loadUserInfo():void{ if(model.selectedValuation.valuation_administration != null){ selectedValStatus(model.selectedValuation.valuation_administration.val uation_status); } } selectedValStatus() takes the data object passed to it, loops over the model list data and then checks to see if the model list data is equivalent to the data.title property, where i then set the selected value of the radio group: private function selectedValStatus(data:Object):void{ if(listModel.allValuationStatuses != null){ for(var i:int = 0; i<listModel.allValuationStatuses.length; i++){ var item:ArrayCollection = listModel.allValuationStatuses; if(data != null){ if(item.title == data.title){ statusType.selectedValue = data.title; } } } } } The Behavior: Data is present on creation complete. I have another radio group using the same code architecture that works perfectly, is in same form. On the form load the radio button is not selected. On a view index change and then return the button is selected properly. Thanks!