It would probably help a lot if you can post a small test app the shows what
you're talking about.  Keep it as simple as possible to illustrate your

But my first instinct is that it's kind of an age-old problem in programming
with scrollbars.  Say you have an element that is 500 pixels wide, just wide
enough to show everything it contains.  Then it gets a lot of info in it,
which causes it to need a vertical scrollbar.  Well, that scrollbar then
steals some width from that 500, so that now the element can only be, say,
484 pixels wide because there's a scrollbar taking up the next 16 pixels.
Well, now if you have scrollbars set to automatically pop up when the
element isn't wide enough to display the text width, the horizontal
scrollbar shows up, too.

The fix for this in flex is to set the horizontal widths as a % of the
parent's width.  That way when the vertical scrollbar pops up, the element
and hence its children will resize to be smaller to accomodate the

If this isn't clear, post your example and I can show you the changes to fix

On Wed, Sep 10, 2008 at 6:19 AM, itdanny2002 <[EMAIL PROTECTED]> wrote:

>   I create Vbox with fixed width. Then I add Canvas
> inside. Afterwards, I add TextArea as child. Scrollbar
> policy of canvas is off.
> If there are many childs but within boundary e.g. 700 pixel.
> No scrollbar. If it is over screen height e.g. 900 pixel.
> It displays scrollbars. Anyway, it displays TWO: Vertical and
> Horizontal. I try to set MaxWidth but still has 2 scrollbars
> instead of just vertical.
> More information. I add TextArea child programmingly. I trace
> the width of Canvas. The width is longer than what I expect
> even in startup mode.
> Any idea ?


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