We use Flex for a real-time dashboard at Truviso, and we haven't run
into any major with charts so far. For what it's worth, we're still on
Flex 2, but with FB3, which the bug report states *should* reproduce the
problem (which is odd--FB itself should have nothing to do with this if
the SDK versions are identical). I also noticed from the bug description
that this happens mostly when replacing the dataProvider/series: we keep
the same series/ListCollectionView object but update the contents as new
data comes in.

We definitely depend on Flex Charting for a stable real-time dashboard,
and the data binding paradigm makes this an ideal library for this
purpose. It would be a shame to have to move to something else because
of stability issues.

Maciek Sakrejda
Truviso, Inc.

-----Original Message-----
From: kumar_raj <[EMAIL PROTECTED]>
Reply-To: flexcoders@yahoogroups.com
To: flexcoders@yahoogroups.com
Subject: [flexcoders] Please share your experiences with Flex 3 charting
(visualization component)
Date: Wed, 17 Sep 2008 16:44:16 -0000

I wanted to start a thread on user experience on Flex3 charting or 
visualization component.

I had been pusing back hard the last 2 years on moving out realtime 
charting from current serverside image generation to flex charting.

Finally with flex 3 prof , I caved in. Hight cpu usage on servers in 
our production env is of course another motivating factor :)

The state of the charting components seems to be in a bit of a sorry 
state though. Demo looks complelling when used with static data.
Moment we start doing some realtime refesh we're hit with memory and 
cpu usage issues.

Please look at bug http://bugs.adobe.com/jira/browse/SDK-15710 for 
more on this.

These bugs have been filed a while and ago and doesn't seem to have 
been placed high on the priority list.

So I wanted to find out if people in the industry are using flex 
charting solution in realtime dashboards. If so what are your 

My experince so far in moving our system to flex charting has been 
quite rocky. here are few issues I'm struggling with

1) With frequent chart updates (say evebry 5 sec), there is lot of 
memory leaks not easily identifiable via flex profiler.
2) Browsers especially IE6 do not claim back memory efficiently.

3) Bar chart frequest update has hig cpu usage

Kumar Pandey


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