
I'm interested in converting between xml and json and, once converted, 
pretty-printing the json result. While there seem to be plenty of .Net
that do the job, I'm looking for an AS or javascript solution. I did
together a couple of tools as follows:

        var xml_doc = XMLObjectifier.textToXML("<name>Howdy</name>");
//Converts xml string to xml dom
  var json = XMLObjectifier.xmlToJSON(xml_doc); //Converts xml dom
object to JSON
        var json_string = JSON.stringify(json);  // converts json object to
However, the resulting string is, as advertised, a json representation
of the
*dom tree*; I want a json representation of the *original* xml document
dom artifacts like text, content, etc.  What's the best way to do this?

Thanks, Garry

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