
Don't know if this is helpful, but when working with URLStream, we ran
into a situation where calling close() did not actually do anything
(i.e., it did not issue a TCP FIN--we watched for this with tcpdump). We
did not encounter any security errors, so I don't know if this is
related, but I think the easiest way to figure out what's going on might
be to break out something like tcpdump or Wireshark...
Maciek Sakrejda
Truviso, Inc.

-----Original Message-----
From: Samuel Loretan <[EMAIL PROTECTED]>
Subject: [flexcoders] SecurityError #2048 20 seconds after Socket
Date: Thu, 02 Oct 2008 11:48:22 -0000


I've met a very unexpected problem with a Socket connection. I'm very 
used to client-server communication, and it's the first time I 
encounter such behaviour.

I have an AS3 application, connected to a custom Java server using the 
Socket class.

The server is run on a distant computer (let's say its hostname is 
'javaserver'), listening on port 5555, along with a crossdomain server 
which deliver an authorization XML on port 843 (<allow-access-from 
domain="*" to-ports="*"/>).

On the client computer, I have a FlashPlayerTrust file that allow my 
SWF to be on the Trusted sandbox.

The connection works just fine. I can send and receive binary data 
perfectly. At a given time in my communication exchange, the server 
closes the socket.

The CLOSE event is thrown in my Flash application correctly.

But 20 seconds after that (precisely 20s), my closed connection throws 
a SecurityError #2048 :

> Error#2048: Security Sandbox violation. Cannot load resource from 

I can't figure why this is happening. In my experience, and according 
to the documentation, a SecurityError (or a SECURITY_ERROR event, if 
listened) can be thrown only when using connect() with a non-
authorized distant host (which is not the case, since my SWF is in the 
Trusted sandbox), or while connecting to a port below 1024 on a Web 
execution context (which is not my case, since I use a connection to 
the port 5555, using a Standalone player).

This problem is happening with the Standalone Flash Player 10.0.0 
b591, but also with the Player 9.0.124.

Any idea?

Thank you very much.


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