Hi. I've got an itemRenderer in a DataGrid (please see below) and need
to have the ProgressBar appear on a new line (below the text input and
the 2 buttons) instead of stretching the column out. I've tried
everything to no avail. Any ideas? Thanks. 

<mx:AdvancedDataGridColumn id="myCol" headerText="Test" width="95"
      <mx:HBox horizontalGap="2">
        <mx:TextInput id="txtPhoto" editable="false" />
        <mx:Button id="btnBrowse" label="Browse"  
click="outerDocument.doBrowse( event, this)"/>
        <mx:Button id="btnUpload" label="Upload"
click="outerDocument.doSubmit( event )"/>
        <mx:ProgressBar id="progressBar" mode="manual"
fontWeight="bold" color="red" indeterminate="false"
labelPlacement="right" visible="false" />

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