Hi Paul and others,
     Having followed your directions and seeing my own faults, I
finally got this working, using the simple design that I chose from
the beginning.  I had covered OOP and AS 3.0 but until you do
different things, it's not the same as learning it in a class. 
Learning to think in an OOP way is what I am developing as a skill.  
      I did get it though when you mentioned the idea of not having
the custom component rely on methods or properties in the application.  
     The only problem I have is how to handle the Fault Event from the
HTTPService.  If the php form mailer had a problem then we would
handle that with the fault_handler method.  I was wondering if someone
here knew php enough to be able to tell me how I could return a value
to the component if something goes wrong.  I have the function
fault_handler(event:ResultEvent):void and that will get called from
resultHandler if the code returns: event.result == "ERROR."
       My php form does this:
$OK = mail ($mail_to, $subject, $message, $headers);

if ($OK)
        echo 'sent=OK';
        echo '&sent=ERROR';

Will this work in the php?  If so, do I just check for "ERROR" as the
value of event.result?
Thanks in advance,

--- In flexcoders@yahoogroups.com, "Paul Andrews" <[EMAIL PROTECTED]> wrote:
> A quick look.
> You have in sendMyData::
> obj.Name = Name.text;
>    obj.Email = Email.text;
>    obj.Message = Message.text;
> Yet FormComp has:
> <mx:FormItem label="Name:">
>   <mx:TextInput/>
>  </mx:FormItem>
>  <mx:FormItem label="Email:">
>   <mx:TextInput/>
>  </mx:FormItem>
>  <mx:FormItem label="Message:">
>   <mx:TextArea/>
>  </mx:FormItem>
> None of the form fields has an id..
> Also,
> <mx:Button label="Contact Us" fontSize="16" click="sendMyData()"/>
> shows a click handler function "sendMyData()", yet there's no function 
> called that in FormComp. sendMydata() is part of the parent
application. You 
> can probably get away with referring to
> but that's really bad practice.
> The coupling of these components is really not as it should be try
and build 
> components that can be used standalone without having to refer
directly to 
> what is happeining outside. The formComp shouldn't be accessing a
handler in 
> the parent application.
> The form should dispatch a custom event saying that the form has
been filled 
> in and that event should include a payload of the form content. The 
> application should listen for that event and despatch a message
using the 
> event payload.
> I would suggest recapping some of your classes.
> Paul
> ----- Original Message ----- 
> From: "brucewhealton" <[EMAIL PROTECTED]>
> To: <flexcoders@yahoogroups.com>
> Sent: Friday, October 17, 2008 1:34 AM
> Subject: [flexcoders] Re: My Flex Form - please help
> > Hi,
> >     I have to ask something else... when you said change the
> > reference to Name, I wasn't sure that you meant on the left of the =
> > or right.
> >     I have taken a class on AS 3.0 and two on Flex 3 and it was very
> > extensive... getting into OOP.  I thought I had things figured out.
> > Could you or someone please look at my code and specifically edit it
> > to work.  It is very small and I only need to have one field in the
> > form for demonstration purposes.  It might be only a line or two that
> > needs to be changed or added.  There are only two files so far.
> >      Here's the link:
> > http://fwweb.biz/ContactForm.zip
> >     Please email me directly or post the fixed code specifically as
> > it would need to be for this to work.
> >     I'll reproduce the code below as well.  It's not long.  As a
> > note, I did find a free Flex/PHP application that does this.  However,
> > I want to figure out how to get the very basic application that I
> > started, working right, instead of just taking something else.  I want
> > to figure out the exact logic that would work to accomplish what I am
> > trying.  By being real basic, I can focus mainly on the details and
> > concepts that I am getting wrong.
> >      The instructor in the two classes I took on Flex Builder 3,
> > stated that I needed an HTTPService tag which calls the php form
> > processing script that emails form results to a specified email
> > address - setting the method to POST.  In the form component, I would
> > call an AS 3.0 function that creates the object, obj:Object = new
> > Object(); -> then in the function sendMyData, I call the HTTPService
> > send method.
> >
> >      It sounds like you are saying that I shouldn't use obj but
> > should use something like this:
> >   <forms:FormComp id="form"/>
> >    Then, in the function sendMyData(, I just do it like this:
> > form.Name = Name.text;
> > No, that doesn't work.  It still gives me an error saying:
> > Access to undefined property Name.
> >   I really didn't follow that either.  I thought I would need an
> > object that would have properties sent to the HTTPService request
> > which calls the php form processor which will email me the results.
> >
> > Please, check out the code I include and if you or someone else would,
> > please replace what I did wrong with the right code.  That way I can
> > see exactly how to make this work.  I just got a little confused when
> > you were saying that I need to use form.Name as I didn't know if you
> > meant just replace that in the function that I have and that we are
> > talking about this on the left or right of the equals sign and if not,
> > then what are we setting equal to form.Name.
> >
> >       Lastly, I have two large books for learning AS 3.0 and OOP,
> > ActionScript 3.0 Bible and Flex 3.0 Bible.  They are rather extensive
> > and long and AS 3.0 Bible does get into OOP.  If you would recommend a
> > different or additional text, please let me know.  I'll definitely
> > start reading the information at the link you sent to me  - to the
> > livedocs article.
> > thanks,
> > Bruce
> >
> >
> > --- In flexcoders@yahoogroups.com, "Haykel BEN JEMIA" <haykelbj@>
> > wrote:
> >>
> >> The problems you are having are related to very basic
actionscript and
> >> object oriented programming knowledge. Don't get me wrong, I'm in
no way
> >> blaming you, I just want to give you the advice to read some
> > documentation
> >> about AS and OO programming because otherwise you will be loosing
> > much time
> >> with basic things!
> >> You can start with "Programming ActionScript 3.0" from the Flex
> >> documentation:
> >>
> >
> >>
> >> Now to the problem. You are getting this error because the "Name"
> > field is
> >> not defined where you are calling it, but in the FormComponent.
If you
> >> instantiate the FormComponent with an id of "form" for example,
you can
> >> access it with: form.Name. Note that it has to be declared public
in the
> >> component to be able access it from outside the component.
> >>
> >> Hope it helps!
> >>
> >>
> >> On Thu, Oct 16, 2008 at 9:10 AM, brucewhealton
> >> <bruce@>wrote:
> >>
> >> >   Hi, thanks for the help. I did what you mention below.
Someone else
> >> > posted somethingsimilar about putting the Object property into the
> >> > function.
> >> >
> >> > It still doesn't like that yet. It gives me an error on the line in
> >> > the function where I am assigning values to the Object
> >> > Specifically it doesn't like:
> >> > obj.Name = Name.text;
> >> > it says: Access to undefined property Name
> >> >
> >> > Now, one problem might be that I am not passing any parameters
to the
> >> > function.
> >> > I'll see about the way you specified the function and see if that
> >> > fixes things.
> >> >
> >> > To see more specifically what I did, please click on this to
> >> > the zip archive file of my Flex Project:
> >> >
> >> > http://fwweb.biz/ContactForm.zip
> >> >
> >> > thanks,
> >> > Bruce
> >> >
> >
> >
> >
> > ------------------------------------
> >
> > --
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> > FAQ: http://groups.yahoo.com/group/flexcoders/files/flexcodersFAQ.txt
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