Ok, sorry this is a lame question, but I'm not an HTML guy and I'm pounding my head on the desk trying to figure this out. How do I point to the absolute path of the SWF in the Adobe style embed script? All of our pages need to embed the same swf located in the root directory. For organization, some of the html pages are in sub directories. Any pages in a sub directory do not load the SWF. I tried the following with no luck: AC_FL_RunContent( "src", "/WebNavMenu.swf", "width", "100%", "height", "100%", "align", "middle", "id", "WebNavMenu", "quality", "high", "wmode", "transparent", "name", "WebNavMenu", "allowScriptAccess","sameDomain", "type", "application/x-shockwave-flash", "pluginspage", "http://www.adobe.com/go/getflashplayer" );
This seems like it should be a pretty common thing, but I'm all out of ideas. Any help please? Thanks for your time! ~Aaron