Hi everyone, just thought I would run this by you.

With the help of others on this list, we were able to find a way to sort
dates returned from a database in a hacked sort of way. What I need to now
is to be able to select a range, so > this date and < this date. Perhaps I¹m
over simplifying this, but I can¹t get modifications of the below to

 private function processFilter(item:Object):Boolean {            return
item.Date_Collected > dfconv.format(getdate.text).toString();
item.Date_Collected < dfconv.format(getdateEnd.text).toString();

It¹s not throwing an error and only half works because it is stopping at the
first part. Any date > ... Works. I can¹t seem to define the < however.

Any hints greatly welcomed. Thanks,


From: Tim Hoff <[EMAIL PROTECTED]>
Reply-To: <flexcoders@yahoogroups.com>
Date: Sat, 25 Oct 2008 01:28:37 -0000
To: <flexcoders@yahoogroups.com>
Subject: [flexcoders] Re: Help: filterFunction and Dates


See how messy this gets; when dates are represented as strings.  Look
into AMFPHP serialization/deserialization.  If you get back a date,
instead of a sting, you don't have to jump through these hoops.   I only
say this because the amount of time it takes to setup the integration is
sometimes less than the time it takes to hack the application into
submission. :)

Glad that you have a working solution.


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