I am trying to create a vslider with a stylized track skin and thumb
skin. I finally figured out how to get the thumb skin to properly size
by overriding properties of the slider thumb to set the width and
height to the size of my image. And have sort of been able to get the
track stylize by writing a custom track-skin class that extends
SliderTrackSkin. The issue that I am now running into is that the when
the slider components' direction is set to vertical (as it is in the
vslider), the sliderThumb is rotated by -90 degrees by default so that
it's orientation is vertical to match the slider track. The result
that I am trying to achieve is a horizontally oriented sliderThumb on
a vertical sliderTrack. I've tried rotating the sliderThumb, which
makes it display properly; however, when I do this, the thumb is moved
down and no longer locks to the track (since its' orientation point is
in the upper left). I have tried adjusting the x/y position of the
sliderThumb but this is not allowed. I am completely out of ideas at
this point, so any input would be greatly appreciated.

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