As long as it's funky behavior and not my code :) But it's no biggie. 
It's not a client app, just a learning app. Thanks for your 
suggestions, I'll give them a try.

--- In, "Matt Chotin" <[EMAIL PROTECTED]> wrote:
> Re the remaining space: I realize you have to scroll quite a bit (of
> course it differed depending on the size of my window) but I wonder 
> at any time the space available was actually larger than the full 
> of a row.  That's the key...
> Both your list issues are funky, wish I had some better suggestions 
> you.  For the TileList images maybe try setting the image source to 
> and then afterward setting it to the real value?  So in setValue 
set it
> to null, then enter the if statement and set it to the real value?  
> maybe call invalidate?  It should work, it's funky.  Of course you 
> also just load the image from the web server and assume the browser
> cache will take care of it for you (turn it into a JPG or SWF 
instead of
> a GIF).
> For the review list I think there's basically a bug in the
> variableRowHeight code, only thing you could try is calling 
> (or maybe invalidateLayout) on the List and see if it resets its 
> rows?  A Repeater also would do pretty well here, you could 
simulate the
> alternating background color pretty easily by doing some simple 
test in
> the initialize statement if % 2 == 
0 and
> setting the backgroundColor appropriately.
> Sorry to not be of more help,
> Matt
> ________________________________
> From: 
> Behalf Of Devin Holloway
> Sent: Thursday, July 21, 2005 3:45 PM
> To:
> Subject: [flexcoders] Re: Odd behaviors with List controls
> Hi Matt, thanks for responding!
> It seems like you'd only have extra space in a list control if the 
> height of the control is greater then the combined height of all 
> elements in the control. That wouldn't be the case in this example, 
> since you have to scroll vertically to see all the items. If you 
> scroll to where the last row is completely visible, you can still 
> keep scrolling quite a bit.
> I never did fix the second item, it's just that the steps to 
> reproduce it have changed. Let me first explain the criteria on 
> must exist to create the bug.
> You have to have a dynamic image in a non-visible cell of the list 
> (due to the list being scrolled up or down). Then you reload the 
> provider causing the scrolling to reset itself. Any cell that 
> the same index as the previously hidden cell, that also becomes 
> visible due to the resetting of the scrollbar, that also uses an 
> embedded image, will be affected.
> So, in my application, 
>, click on 
the "Books" 
> link. With my screen resolution, I can see two columns and three 
> of books (all dynamic images). With the scroll bar still at the 
> click to go to page 2. The first two rows use the embedded "no 
> icon. That's an example of it working correctly. Now click to back 
> page 1 and then scroll all the way to the bottom. The first two 
> of books should be completely hidden (and hopefully you'll notice 
> that huge amount of leftover space that the bottom). While the 
> bar is still at the bottom, click to go to page two.  The first two 
> rows of books on page two, which used to show the "no image" 
> icon, now show the same book covers that the first rows on the page 
> does, only resized to the height of the "no image" icon.
> If you want to see happen even more, scroll down to the bottom of 
> second page, you'll see that the last two products show the photos 
> the last two products on page one (again resized).
> for the 4th issue, you need to be on the "books" page, then the 
> of the steps are the same.
> --- In, "Matt Chotin" <[EMAIL PROTECTED]> 
> > Sorry it took so long to respond to this, you may have addressed 
> some of
> > these issues already:
> > 
> >  
> > 
> > 1)       I believe the extra row is actually just leftover space 
> the
> > list.  We don't show partial rows unless you explicitly set a 
> that
> > would cause the row to appear.
> > 
> > 2)       I think you've fixed this on the site as it is now?
> > 
> > 3)       This resizing might be a bug in our List class.  The 
> row
> > is simply because we have a minimum number of cells that need to 
> > rendered to allow scrolling with variableRowHeight.
> > 
> > 4)       Since you've added more content since your post I can't
> > reproduce this.
> > 
> >  
> > 
> > Matt
> > 
> >  
> > 
> > ________________________________
> > 
> > From: 
> [mailto:[EMAIL PROTECTED] On
> > Behalf Of Devin Holloway
> > Sent: Friday, July 15, 2005 9:07 AM
> > To:
> > Subject: [flexcoders] Odd behaviors with List controls
> > 
> >  
> > 
> > I've been noticing a lot of odd behavior with the List and 
> > controls. The application I'm working on is located at:
> > 
> >
> > 
> > You should see the list of titles on the left hand side. If you
> > scroll 
> > the product list all the way down, you'll see an empty row. Every
> > time 
> > I use a list-based control, it always produces at least one extra
> > empty 
> > row at the bottom. Is this expected behavior?
> > 
> > Issue #2: Keep the product list scrolled to the bottom to where 
> > top 
> > product for both tilelist columns are not visible (my browser is 
> > maximized at 1024x768), and then use the NumericStepper pager 
> control 
> > to jump to the second page of results. When that loads, the top
> > product 
> > for each column should be using the "no image" book cover. But
> > instead, 
> > they're using the same two images for the top two products on the
> > first 
> > page of results, only resized to same height as the "no image" 
> icon. 
> > Now scroll to the bottom of the second page, and the last two
> > products 
> > might also display the same two images rather then the "no image"
> > icon. 
> > This is fairly consistent behavoir when flipping through pages.
> > 
> > Issue #3: Go back to the first page and select the first product. 
> On 
> > the right hand side, select the "customer reviews" accordion pane.
> > This 
> > list displaying these reviews have variableRowHeight and wordWrap 
> > turned on. When you first select the customer reviews, the list 
> isn't 
> > sized correctly. It's as if it figures out the height of the 
> tallest 
> > list item, and uses that height for all visible list items. You 
> > to 
> > scroll up and down to get it to recalculate and get each list 
> > sized correctly. You should also see one extra blank list item at 
> the 
> > bottom like I noted in the first issue.
> > 
> > Issue #4: Now use the NumericStepper at the bottom of the reviews 
> to 
> > flip to the second page of reviews, and scroll to the bottom. The 
> > second page has 5 review list items, although, the scroll bar 
> > at 
> > the end of the third item and won't let you scroll any further. 
> > Sometimes if you scroll up and down, or go to another page of 
> reviews 
> > and come back, it'll let you see all of the reviews on this page.
> > 
> > Here's the code snippets for both the lists:
> > 
> > Product Tile List:
> > 
> > <mx:TileList id="productList" 
> > dataProvider="{aws.ItemSearch.result.Items.Item}" 
> > cellRenderer="ProductListCellRenderer" liveScrolling="false" 
> > change="aws.ItemLookup.send();" width="100%" height="100%" 
> > itemWidth="225" itemHeight="125"/>
> > 
> > 
> > Product Tile List Cell Renderer:
> > 
> > <mx:Script>
> > <![CDATA[
> >       [Embed(source="images/noimg.gif")]
> >       var noimage:String;      
> >             
> >       function setValue(str:String, item:Object, sel:String) {
> >             if (item==undefined) {
> >                   visible = false;
> >                   return;
> >             } else {
> >                   title.text=item.ItemAttributes.Title;
> >                   author.text=(item.ItemAttributes.Author)?"By " 
> > + item.ItemAttributes.Author:"";
> >                   price.text=(item.Offers.Offer)?"Price: " + 
> > item.Offers.Offer.OfferListing.Price.FormattedPrice:"";
> >                   availability.text=
> > (item.Offers.Offer.OfferListing.Availability)?
> > item.Offers.Offer.OfferListing.Availability:"Currently 
> >                   if (item.SmallImage) {
> >                         image.source=item.SmallImage.URL;
> >                         image.width=item.SmallImage.Width;
> >                         image.height=item.SmallImage.Height;      
> >                               
> >                   } else {
> >                         image.source=noimage;
> >                         image.width=60;
> >                         image.height=40;                  
> >                   }
> >                   visible=true;
> >             }
> >       }
> > ]]>
> > </mx:Script>
> > 
> > <mx:Text id="title" width="225" height="30" selectable="false" 
> > styleName="productTitle"/>
> > <mx:HBox width="100%" height="100%">
> >       <mx:Image id="image"/>
> >       <mx:VBox>
> >             <mx:Label id="author" width="157"/>
> >             <mx:Text id="availability" width="157" 
> > selectable="false"/>
> >             <mx:Label id="price" styleName="productPrice"/>
> >       </mx:VBox>
> > </mx:HBox>
> > 
> > 
> > Customer Reviews List:
> > 
> > <mx:List 
> > dataProvider="{aws.ItemLookup.result.Items.Item.Cu
> > stomerReviews.Review}"
> > cellRenderer="CustomerReviewsCellRenderer" 
> > wordWrap="true" width="100%" height="100%"/>
> > 
> > 
> > Customer Reviews List Cell Renderer:
> > 
> > <mx:Script>
> > <![CDATA[
> >       [Embed(source="images/stars-0-0.gif")]
> >       var stars00:String;
> >       [Embed(source="images/stars-0-5.gif")]
> >       var stars05:String;
> >       [Embed(source="images/stars-1-0.gif")]
> >       var stars10:String;
> >       <!-- and so forth -->
> > 
> >       function setValue(str:String, item:Object, sel:String) {
> >             if (item==undefined) {
> >                   visible = false;
> >                   return;
> >             } else {
> >                   switch (item.Rating) {
> >                   case 0 :   stars.source=stars00; break;
> >                   case 0.5 : stars.source=stars05; break;
> >                   case 1 :   stars.source=stars10; break;
> >                   <!-- and so forth -->
> >                   }
> > 
> >                   summary.text=item.Summary;
> >                   review.htmlText=item.Content;
> >                   visible=true;
> >             }
> >       }
> > ]]>
> > </mx:Script>
> > 
> > <mx:HBox>
> >       <mx:Image id="stars" width="64" height="12"/>
> >       <mx:Label id="summary" styleName="productTitle"/>
> > </mx:HBox>
> > 
> > 
> > 
> > 
> > --
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> > ________________________________
> > 
> > 
> >  
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