NB: I also tried it without the security domain parameter and it
didn't work then either.

--- In flexcoders@yahoogroups.com, "skuteboarding" <[EMAIL PROTECTED]> wrote:
> ~Sorry if this is a re-post, the earlier post didn't seem to appear~
> Hi, thanks for the responses.
> I've tried loading the module with the following line:
> moduleInfo.load(ApplicationDomain.currentDomain,
> SecurityDomain.currentDomain);
> However, it still doesn't fix the issue (check box / radio button
> still appear as a regular button).
> What else do I need to do?
> Mark
> --- In flexcoders@yahoogroups.com, Alex Harui <aharui@> wrote:
> >
> > See modules presentation on my blog and shared code modules examples
> > 
> > From: flexcoders@yahoogroups.com [mailto:[EMAIL PROTECTED]
> On Behalf Of Maciek Sakrejda
> > Sent: Wednesday, November 12, 2008 4:00 PM
> > To: flexcoders@yahoogroups.com
> > Subject: Re: [flexcoders] Modules don't display radio buttons/ check
> box etc unless referenced in main app
> > 
> > 
> > Excerpt from the Adobe docs follows, but basically, that's how it
> > If you want to avoid CheckBox references in the main app, you can load
> > the modules into the main app's application domain, but make sure you
> > trust the modules if you do that.
> > 
> > ---------------
> > Adobe docs on modules:
> > 
> > By default, a module is loaded into a child domain of the current
> > application domain. You can specify a different application domain by
> > using the applicationDomain property of the ModuleLoader class.
> > 
> > Because a module is loaded into a child domain, it owns class
> > definitions that are not in the main application's domain. For
> > the first module to load the PopUpManager class becomes the owner
of the
> > PopUpManager class for the entire application because it registers the
> > manager with the SingletonManager. If another module later tries
to use
> > the PopUpManager, Adobe ® Flash® Player throws an exception.
> > 
> > The solution is to ensure that managers such as PopUpManager and
> > DragManager and any other shared services are defined by the main
> > application (or loaded late into the shell's application domain). When
> > you promote one of those classes to the shell, the class can then be
> > used by all modules. Typically, this is done by adding the
following to
> > a script block:
> > 
> > import mx.managers.PopUpManager;
> > import mx.managers.DragManager;
> > private var popUpManager:PopUpManager;
> > private var dragManager:DragManager;
> > 
> > This technique also applies to components. The module that first uses
> > the component owns that component's class definition in its
domain. As a
> > result, if another module tries to use a component that has
already been
> > used by another module, its definition will not match the existing
> > definition. To avoid a mismatch of component definitions, create an
> > instance of the component in the main application. The result is that
> > the definition of the component is owned by the main application
and can
> > be used by modules in any child domain.
> > 
> > -----Original Message-----
> > From: skuteboarding <mingram@<mailto:mingram%40softease.com>>
> > Reply-To:
> flexcoders@yahoogroups.com<mailto:flexcoders%40yahoogroups.com>
> > To: flexcoders@yahoogroups.com<mailto:flexcoders%40yahoogroups.com>
> > Subject: [flexcoders] Modules don't display radio buttons/ check
box etc
> > unless referenced in main app
> > Date: Wed, 12 Nov 2008 22:30:45 -0000
> > 
> > Hi, I've got a problem using modules and user interface components.
> > I have a module with a canvas on it and some buttons / radio buttons /
> > check boxes. In the main app I download the module, then add the
> > canvas to a container.
> > 
> > The buttons don't show properly (they all look like regular buttons,
> > but act like a radio button / check box).
> > 
> > The only way to fix it is to add a radio button / check box to the
> > main app. Adding the reference to a button in the main app makes it
> > work from the module.
> > 
> > I hope this makes sense.
> > 
> > Does anyone know how to make radio buttons / check boxes work without
> > having to add a radio button / check box somewhere in the main app?
> >

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