I have created my own CanvasStack (to replace the viewstack) because
viewstacks and models do not mix.

<?xml version="1.0" encoding="utf-8"?>
creationComplete="initApp()" height="100%"
horizontalScrollPolicy="off" verticalScrollPolicy="off"
import com.gladhandle.AppGlobals;
import com.gladhandle.handles.greeting_card.gcassets.Editor;
private var _selectedIndex:int;
public var dataProvider:Array;
private function initApp():void {
_selectedIndex = 0;
addChild( dataProvider[_selectedIndex] );
public function set selectedIndex( selectedIndex:int ):void {
if( selectedIndex < 0 || selectedIndex > dataProvider.length ) {
throw new Error( "selectedIndex out of range" );
_selectedIndex = selectedIndex;
dispatchEvent( new Event( "changeSelectedIndex", false ) );
this.addChild( dataProvider[_selectedIndex] );
public function get selectedIndex():int {
return _selectedIndex;


This dataprovider is populated with custom components as well.

When I change the selected index, it removes all the children (but
they still exist in the dataprovider, so 'session' data should be
saved), but when I navigate back to an index I have already visited,
everything is still there, EXCEPT for the format of the text, it for
some reason, is reset back to the original text, even though I have
setTextFormat() and set the defaultTextFormat on the TextField.

Any ideas?

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