Exactly what do you mean by "excluded"?  What problem are you having?


And you understand that the "Script source=" syntax is an *include*
functionality?  It essentially physically copies the code verbatim into
the file that declares it, before compilation.  It is identical to
putting the code in a script block.  It is not for classes.





From: flexcoders@yahoogroups.com [mailto:[EMAIL PROTECTED] On
Behalf Of sailorsea21
Sent: Wednesday, November 19, 2008 11:48 AM
To: flexcoders@yahoogroups.com
Subject: [flexcoders] Re: Why aren't my .as files included when I build
my project?


I'm working with Flex Buildre 3.

All my .as files are in a folder called "as".

I link to them as follows:
<mx:Script source="as/myfile.as"/>

Here is the file:

<?xml version="1.0" encoding="UTF-8"?>
<actionScriptProperties mainApplicationPath="uiscores.mxml" 
<compiler additionalCompilerArguments="-locale en_US" 
copyDependentFiles="true" enableModuleDebug="true" 
generateAccessible="false" htmlExpressInstall="true" 
htmlGenerate="true" htmlHistoryManagement="true" 
htmlPlayerVersion="9.0.124" htmlPlayerVersionCheck="true" 
debug" outputFolderPath="bin-debug" sourceFolderPath="src" 
strict="true" useApolloConfig="false" verifyDigests="true" 
<libraryPath defaultLinkType="1">
<libraryPathEntry kind="4" path=""/>
<libraryPathEntry kind="1" linkType="1" path="libs"/>
<application path="uiscores.mxml"/>
<module application="src/uiscores.mxml" destPath="module_admin.swf" 
optimize="true" sourcePath="src/module_admin.mxml"/>
<module application="src/uiscores.mxml" 
destPath="module_refresh_rate.swf" optimize="true" 
<module application="src/uiscores.mxml" 
destPath="module_videotron_qt_res_tous.swf" optimize="true" 
<module application="src/uiscores.mxml" destPath="module_close.swf" 
optimize="true" sourcePath="src/module_close.mxml"/>
<module application="src/uiscores.mxml" 
destPath="module_render_print_close.swf" optimize="true" 

Thank you very much.

--- In flexcoders@yahoogroups.com <mailto:flexcoders%40yahoogroups.com>
, Maciek Sakrejda <[EMAIL PROTECTED]> 
> Because your project is not configured correctly.
> Hard to say more without details. Are you building with eclipse? 
Can you
> post your .actionScriptProperties file (found in the root of your
> project directory), and describe your project layout?
> -- 
> Maciek Sakrejda
> Truviso, Inc.
> http://www.truviso.com <http://www.truviso.com> 


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