Max buddy I am bleedin glad it ain't just me here I tell ya. I will give it a go! Cheers ;)

On 23 Nov 2008, at 02:44, max.nachlinger wrote:

That's quite a nasty bug. I created a checkbox renderer, traced
traced listData.rowIndex, listData.columnIndex, and uid within
overrides of set data(), set listData(), commitProperties(), and
updateDisplayList and found that the DataGrid seemingly randomly
changes (reuses?) the same uid for different listData.rowIndexes +
listData.columnIndexes. I also tried trapping the change to rowIndex
in set listData() and then doing some invalidating, but to no avail.

Although this is a silly solution, one way out might be to put the
rowIndex (or some other meaningful data) into the data itself when the
dataProvider is assigned.
The code below works on scroll (but misses the requirement to use

* My data provider look like this:
* [{ id:0, name:"Test Name 0"}, { id:1, name:"Test Name 1"},{ id:2,
name:"Test Name 2"} ... etc]
override protected function updateDisplayList(w:Number, h:Number):void
super.updateDisplayList(w, h);
visible = data['id'] < 3 || data['id'] > 10;

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