According to the documentation:
maxWidth property   

maxWidth:Number  [read-write] 

Number that specifies the maximum width of the component, in pixels,
in the component's coordinates. 

This value is used by the container in calculating the size and
position of the component. It is not used by the component itself in
determining its default size. Thus this property may not have any
effect if parented by Container, or containers that don't factor in
this property. Because the value is in component coordinates, the true
maxWidth with respect to its parent is affected by the scaleX
property. Some components have no theoretical limit to their width. In
those cases their maxWidth will be set to UIComponent.DEFAULT_MAX_WIDTH.

So, what is the maxWidth setting of the enclosing component?

--- In, "fotis.chatzinikos"
> Hi,
> When the following comboBox is used with width="100%" and maxWidth 190
> the maxwidth is not used when the underlying list contains names wider
> than 190 pixels...Instead the full name is shown and the combo becomes
> 230 or any other amount of pixels needed...
> This is only fixed if the width is specified to for example 190...
> Bug?
> <mx:ComboBox id="regionsComboID" width="100%" maxWidth="190"
> dataProvider="{regions}" labelField="name" prompt="{regionPrompt}"
> enabled="{regionEnabled}" change="regionChanged(event)"></mx:ComboBox>

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