The show event isnt dispatched on creation of the component, the event CreationComplete is dispatched because show, for the compiler means to go to the displaylist and show the component, but if the component isnt in the displaylist it cant show anything instead it creates it.

So have two handlers, creationComplete (i belive) and show, both calling the same method

- Faisal

On 2-Dec-08, at 4:43 PM, per.olesen wrote:

I was wondering why a flex control or container does not dispatch a
FlexEvent.SHOW when showing the first time? Given this code:

show="'I am showing')"
creationComplete="'I was created')"/>

click="panel.visible = !panel.visible"

When the "panel" Panel is constructed, the creationComplete is fired
and I see my Alert "I was created". But I DO NOT get the Alert "I am

If I then click the button to hide it and click it again to show it, I
am getting the show event.

Why no show event initially?

This applies equally well to TitleWindow, Button, Box, ...

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