That's weird - the code I posted below looks like it produced the 400 x
400 PNG at near identical quality to the original. In theory, drawing
the 400 x 400 pixel area of the stage that the child has been drawn at
should produce the correct result.  You sure you drew the
application.stage object, and didn't just re-reference the
displayObject2?  Not that you would, but I would like to see if this
technique actually works like it appears to over here. J


From: [mailto:[EMAIL PROTECTED] On
Behalf Of Kyle
Sent: Tuesday, December 09, 2008 3:25 PM
Subject: [flexcoders] Re: getBitmapData from a scaled display object


Hey Ryan,
That was a great idea, something I definately had not tried yet.
Unfortunately, referencing the child from a parent did not seem to
produce any better results. The issue still stands that the
getBitmapData method (as well as bitmapdata produced by using the
ImageSnapshot class) do not respect the current scale of the
displayobject. So even though the displayObject appears at 400x400 on
the stage (which is scaled up by 2 from 200x200 ), the bitmapdata
copies it at it's original size of 200x200. I just can't figure out
how to get it to respect the scaled size. I would think that there
would be some sort of "apply" method, but I haven't found anything
yet. THERE HAS TO BE AN ANSWER!!! haha.. Thanks again for the help!

--- In <>
, "Ryan Graham" <[EMAIL PROTECTED]> wrote:
> Oh, I see... This seems like a bit of a hack, and could probably be
> coded a bit cleaner, but maybe do the drawing from a parent container
> and just set a clipping rectangle equal to the location and size of
> scaled object? If it works, I'd be curious to know. Here, the stage
> used:
> bitmapdata.draw( Application.application.stage, null, null, null, new
> Rectangle(displayObject2.x, displayObject2.y, displayObject2.width,
> displayObject2.height));
> HTH,
> Ryan
> From: <>
[ <>
] On
> Behalf Of Kyle
> Sent: Tuesday, December 09, 2008 2:18 PM
> To: <> 
> Subject: [flexcoders] Re: getBitmapData from a scaled display object
> Hey Ryan,
> Thanks for the thought; however, this doesn't solve my problem. The
> problem is this: The children of the canvas that I want to scale up
> are all vector (swf files). If I use a matrix or any other method to
> scale up the graphics after they are in raster format (bitmapdata)
> then the quality will be decreased severely. So what I am trying to
> accomplish is to scale up canvas container, and all of its' children,
> prior to getting the bitmapdata. This way the resulting bitmap will
> not be pixelated or otherwise lose quality. 
> The issues that I am experiencing when using scalex/scaley on the
> canvas container is that the scale of the container and its' children
> is apparently ignored by getBitmapData as the resulting output is at
> the original size of the canvas (prior to it being scaled up). The
> example app that I pasted below should illustrate this issue.
> Any other ideas appreciated.
> Thanks!
> -Kyle
> --- In
> , "Ryan Graham" <Ryan.Graham@> wrote:
> >
> > 
> > You may have to play with some of the positioning, but use the
> > parameter of the bitmapData.draw() function to pass in the object's
> > transform matrix as a start. This should get you closer...
> > 
> > 
> > 
> > bitmapdata.draw( displayObject2, displayObject2.transform.matrix );
> > 
> > 
> > 
> > HTH,
> > 
> > Ryan
> > 
> > 
> > 
> > From:
> [
> ] On
> > Behalf Of Kyle
> > Sent: Tuesday, December 09, 2008 12:21 PM
> > To: <>
> > Subject: [flexcoders] getBitmapData from a scaled display object
> > 
> > 
> > 
> > 
> > I'm trying to figure out the easiest way to get bitmapdata from a
> > displayobject that has had its scalex/scaley altered. In the test
> > example I have listed below, I have a canvas container that has 3
> > children (swfLoader components). I set the scalex/scaley of the
> > container to 2 and its' children are scaled up proportionally;
> > however, when I try to get bitmapdata from the canvas, it does not
> > recognize the scaled size of the canvas container and as such when I
> > create a new bitmap using the data it is still at the original size.
> > Any ideas on how I can get bitmapdata that will match the
> > of the scaled canvas would be greatly appreciated!
> > 
> > <?xml version="1.0" encoding="utf-8"?>
> > <mx:Application xmlns:mx="";
> > layout="absolute" creationComplete="createImage()">
> > 
> > <mx:Script>
> > <![CDATA[
> > import mx.controls.SWFLoader;
> > import mx.utils.ObjectUtil;
> > import;
> > 
> > var displayObject2:Canvas;
> > 
> > private function createImage():void
> > { 
> > displayObject2 = new Canvas();
> > displayObject2.setStyle("backgroundColor","0xc0c0c0");
> > displayObject2.width = myCanvas.width;
> > displayObject2.height = myCanvas.height;
> > for( var x=0; x<myCanvas.numChildren; x++ )
> > {
> > var curChild:SWFLoader = myCanvas.getChildAt( x ) as SWFLoader;
> > var newChild:SWFLoader = new SWFLoader();
> > newChild.source = curChild.source;
> > newChild.x = curChild.x;
> > newChild.y = curChild.y;
> > 
> > displayObject2.addChild( newChild );
> > }
> > 
> > displayObject2.scaleX = displayObject2.scaleY = 2;
> > displayObject2.y = 300;
> > addChild( displayObject2 );
> > }
> > 
> > private function scaleChild( e:Event ):void
> > {
> > = * 2;
> > = * 2;
> > }
> > 
> > private function createBitmap( e:Event ):void
> > {
> > var w = displayObject2.width;
> > var h = displayObject2.height;
> > var bitmapdata:BitmapData = new BitmapData( w, h, true, 0x00C0C0C0
> > bitmapdata.draw( displayObject2 );
> > 
> > var bytearray:ByteArray;
> > var encoder:PNGEncoder = new PNGEncoder();
> > bytearray = encoder.encode( bitmapdata );
> > myImage.source = bytearray;
> > }
> > ]]>
> > </mx:Script>
> > <mx:Canvas x="10" y="10" width="200" height="200"
> > backgroundColor="#FFFFFF" id="myCanvas">
> > <mx:SWFLoader x="10" y="30">
> > 
> >
> > 630bb25563ab28da6c9a3968.swf</mx:source>
> > </mx:SWFLoader>
> > <mx:SWFLoader x="60" y="53">
> > 
> >
> > 8731df7c766a4e274d766b20.swf</mx:source>
> > </mx:SWFLoader>
> > <mx:SWFLoader x="122" y="76">
> > 
> >
> > 2bc3993319ceb9490eb52b0f.swf</mx:source>
> > </mx:SWFLoader>
> > </mx:Canvas>
> > <mx:Button x="119" y="218" label="Create PNG"
> > click="createBitmap(event);"/>
> > <mx:Image x="460" y="10" id="myImage"/>
> > </mx:Application>
> > 
> > 
> > 
> > 
> > 
> > This message is private and confidential. If you have received it in
> error, please notify the sender and remove it from your system.
> >
> This message is private and confidential. If you have received it in
error, please notify the sender and remove it from your system.


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