You could for example create dynamic mxml using the Flex JSP Tag Library, in this case you would need it as an application server
Philippe Maegerman

From: [mailto:[EMAIL PROTECTED] On Behalf Of jamiebadman
Sent: mardi 26 juillet 2005 13:44
Subject: [flexcoders] Re: Dynamically Built SWF's with Flex

Scott: Thanks for the info; much appreciated, regardless of how
scary it reads!

Sounds like it's a pretty pointless thing to do, then, if the code +
RSL on a per-user basis will be as large, if not larger than the
code including the unwanted stuff ;-)

I must admit that I'm finding it hard to understand what the reason
is for Flex building Flash 'on the fly' at all. What's the point of
this as opposed to simply having Flex generate a SWF which you put
on the server as you would a normal Flash file ?

What does Flex offer you that a static SWF wouldn't ?

I know it's a pretty fundamental question that I kind of feel I
should already know the answer to - but I don't ;-)

Flex is great for building RIA's and I'm getting great results from
it - but I don't yet understand why it's a server side tool at all...

Any hints ? ;-)



--- In, Scott Barnes <[EMAIL PROTECTED]>
> On 7/26/05, jamiebadman <[EMAIL PROTECTED]> wrote:
> > I have a deep-down feeling I might be asking a stupid question
here -
> >  but I was once told there are NO stupid questions - yeah, right!
> As a wise code-mentor once said to me: There aren't stupid
> only people who are too stupid to ask.
> So yes, it was a stupid question (joke).
> > If this is *not* possible, could someone explain to me the
> > advantages of Flex as a server-side system ?
> Yes, but not the way you think it will probably come together.
> There are two main ingredients that you will probably need to
> some more in order to make a better informed decision to suite your
> objective(s), they are mx:Loader and Runtime Shared Libraries
> You can *kind* of piece together an application per user through
> concepts, especially leveridging XML - the key to do this though,
> much the same way you would bake a cake - you need the ingredients
> into the mix in order to bake it, the icing can be loaded after but
> thats a module that can be seperate (based on a users preference).
> Sorry if the analogy is weak but its after a 13hr
bare with me.
> What i'm trying to say is that if you plan on using a mx:Button in
> your application, and your first stage of the SWF doesn't have
that at
> runtime, but want it to be used based on a remoting call's
> result...then you're going to have to load that in via the initial
> first stage - or - unless you load in a swf which embeds the
> and *then* you can use it (second stage) *pant*.. (i'm too afraid
> re-read that hehe).
> In theory (i've never backed this up btw, its all based on reading
> theories) you can piece together an application piece by piece, but
> you have to plan your staging up front and kind of pinpoint when
> user(s) will need components, then using the RSL concept they can
> bring in such components as needed.
> There are a few things to be aware of (ie pulled from docs)
> #  The aggregate size of the RSL plus the Flex application will be
> larger than a Flex application that internalizes all of its assets.
> However, file size across multiple applications will be smaller.
> # The client must make additional HTTP requests to get the RSLs
> by a Flex application. This can add latency to the application
> process. Typically, the number of RSLs is not great, so the number
> requests is not great, either.
> # The compilation of a runtime RSL can add additional application
> startup time because a separate compiler instance must be created
> the server. This adds latency to the first request only, since
> subsequent requests will request the existing RSL without the need
> recompile it.
> Again, easist solution would be use CFMX to pre-roll your
> nothing wrong with a bit of a good challenge to ear ones pay ;)
> Hope that helps, if you need a flex-gun-slinger to do the above for
> you, i'm cheap ;) hehehe..
> --
> Regards,
> Scott Barnes

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