just dug into the AS3 classes and it by default  fromX/fromY has a default 
value of 4 and in the BlurInstanceClass it doesn't save the current blurX/BlurY 
values. I could create an event that listens for the update, the only time the 
value are sent, but then that adds extra overhead for each update.

Instead what I'll do is call a function to iterate the filters list, grab 

Just wished they would have exposed a blurX and blurY prop on the Blur the 
wiring is there, just failed to provide a stub.

From: Flex Noob <fl3xn...@yahoo.com>
To: flexcoders@yahoogroups.com
Sent: Thursday, December 11, 2008 11:34:01 PM
Subject: [flexcoders] how do you blur smoothly between two states?

hrmmmmmm, I don't get it

Say I have this on rollover:
<mx:Blur id="blur" duration="1000" blurXTo="10" blurYTo="10" blurXFrom="0" 
blurYFrom="0" target="{this} "/>

and this on roll out:
<mx:Blur id="unblur" duration="1000" blurXTo="0" blurYTo="0"  blurXFrom="10" 
blurYFrom="10" target="{this} "/>

works, cool, rock on. however if I mouse off at say 500ms the blur JUMPs to the 
to value and then works it way back. kind of sucks.

I've tried ommiting blurfrom or setting the value to *, "" and even 
blurXFrom="{ blur.blurXFrom} " blurYFrom="{ blur.blurYFrom} "but no dice.

what gives?



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