How could I use relative URLs when I am purposely loading from a
different domain.  Again, I need to run the Application SWF from the
filesystem and load the module from http://localhost (or some other

As far as setting the SecurityDomain.currentDomain, I have tried doing
that, only to get this error:

SecurityError: Error #2142: Security sandbox violation: local SWF
files cannot use the LoaderContext.securityDomain property.
was attempting to load http://localhost/SimpleModuleProject.swf.
        at flash.display::Loader/_load()
        at flash.display::Loader/load()

--- In, Alex Harui <aha...@...> wrote:
> Typically, you want to test in local-trusted instead of
local-with-networking and use relative paths to all assets (and have
those assets in the local filesystem).  Then when you deploy those
files to a server in the same folder configuration, everything should
just work.
> If you use an absolute path, then in local-trusted it is seen as a
foreign domain, and by default modules will not work unless you set
the SecurityDomain.currentDomain on the module loader.  However, that
will still set up a different "topology of trust" than when you deploy
and the loading app is on the same server as the module.
> So, only use absolute paths  if you'll always be loading the module
from a different domain.  There might be issues using
SecurityDomain.currentDomain in local-trusted sandboxes.  You can
sometimes get yourself into configurations that can only be tested
while deployed and served over http:
> From: []
On Behalf Of hughesmatt78
> Sent: Monday, December 15, 2008 7:33 AM
> To:
> Subject: [flexcoders] Re: Loading network SWFs from SWF hosted on
filesystem (SWF is not a loadable module
> My sandbox type is local-trusted. According to the Flash Security
> white paper, local-trusted has *at least* the priviledges of
> local-with-networking.
> "localWithNetwork: This SWF file is a local file and has not been
> trusted by the user, but it was
> published with a networking designation. This SWF may communicate with
> the Internet but may not
> read from local data sources.
> localTrusted: This SWF file is a local file and has been trusted by
> the user, using either the
> Settings Manager or a FlashPlayerTrust configuration file. This SWF
> file may both read from local
> data sources and communicate with the Internet.
> "
> I did change it to local-with-networking, but I get the same error:
> Finished loading crossdomain.
> <?xml version="1.0"?>
> <cross-domain-policy>
> <allow-access-from domain="*" />
> </cross-domain-policy>
> [SWF] /SimpleModuleProject.swf - 574,981 bytes after decompression
> *** Security Sandbox Violation ***
> SecurityDomain
> tried to access incompatible context 'http://localhost/crossdomain.xml'
> *** Security Sandbox Violation ***
> SecurityDomain
> tried to access incompatible context 'http://localhost/crossdomain.xml'
> Failed to load module
> SWF is not a loadable module
> Any ideas?
> --- In<>, Alex
Harui <aharui@> wrote:
> >
> > Check your sandboxType. I'll bet it is local-trusted and not
> local-with-networking.
> >
> > From:<>
> On Behalf Of hughesmatt78
> > Sent: Saturday, December 13, 2008 11:33 AM
> > To:<>
> > Subject: [flexcoders] Loading network SWFs from SWF hosted on
> filesystem (SWF is not a loadable module
> >
> >
> > I'm trying so far in vain to load a module from a network domain from
> > a SWF that was loaded via the filesystem. Every time I try and load
> > the module, I get the following error:
> >
> > "SWF is not a loadable module."
> >
> > I have seen this same problem discussed elsewhere on FlexCoders and
> > other blogs but I am getting very conflicting views. Some people say
> > this kind of module loading is not supported
> > (
> > but the Adobe Flash Player 9 Security white paper clearly indicate it
> > is possible:
> >
> > "A SWF file may also call Security.allowDomain() with the wildcard
> > parameter "*" to allow any domain.
> > This is necessary to allow a local-with-networking SWF file to
> > cross-script a network SWF file."
> >
> > Anyway, off to the example project I created. Here are two very basic
> > mxmls.
> >
> > TestApplication.mxml -- (loaded via file system, this attempts to load
> > a simple module hosted at localhost)
> > <?xml version="1.0" encoding="utf-8"?>
> > <mx:Application xmlns:mx="";
> > layout="vertical" initialize="init()">
> > <mx:Script>
> > <![CDATA[
> > import;
> > private function init() : void
> > {
> > Security.allowDomain("localhost");
> >
> > Security.loadPolicyFile("http://localhost/crossdomain.xml";);
> >
> > var loader:URLLoader = new URLLoader();
> > loader.addEventListener(Event.COMPLETE, function(event
> > : Event) {
> > trace("Finished loading crossdomain.");
> > trace(;
> > });
> > loader.load(new
> > URLRequest("http://localhost/crossdomain.xml";));
> > }
> >
> > private function erroredOut(event : ModuleEvent) : void
> > {
> > trace(event.errorText);
> > }
> >
> > private function loadIt() : void
> > {
> > loaderOfModules.url = "http://localhost/SimpleModule.swf";;
> > }
> > ]]>
> > </mx:Script>
> >
> > <mx:Button click="loadIt()" label="Load module from localhost" />
> >
> > <!-- Sandbox type reads local-trusted -->
> > <mx:Text text="{Security.sandboxType}" />
> > <mx:ModuleLoader id="loaderOfModules" width="100%" height="500"
> > error="erroredOut(event)"
> > applicationDomain="{ApplicationDomain.currentDomain}"/>
> > </mx:Application>
> >
> > SimpleModule.mxml (the module hosted at localhost)
> > <?xml version="1.0" encoding="utf-8"?>
> > <mx:Module xmlns:mx="";
> > initialize="Security.allowDomain('*')" >
> > <mx:Text text="Hi there" />
> > </mx:Module>
> >
> > And the crossdomain.xml file hosted at localhost. (Although according
> > to some Adobe docs, this file is not even needed to do crossscripting,
> > only for loading data.)
> > <?xml version="1.0"?>
> > <cross-domain-policy>
> > <allow-access-from domain="*" />
> > </cross-domain-policy>
> >
> > Note that I can get this example to work fine if I host the
> > Application SWF from one network domain and load the module from
> > another network domain without changing a thing. I only get the error
> > when the loading SWF is hosted on the filesystem. Also note that the
> > Application.swf is in a folder designated as locally trusted and I
> > confirm this by looking at the Security.sandboxType variable at
> >
> > I am using Flex 3 and running this with Flash Player 9 debugger
> >
> > So my questions are:
> >
> > * Is this scenario even supported? If not, what's with the
> > documentation I quoted from Adobe above? If yes, what am I missing?
> > * And do crossdomain.xml files even used when doing crossscripting?
> > Or are they just often conflated with module loading because you often
> > load modules and data from the same server?
> >

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