I think he means re-opening the window after a user closes it?

Is that the case Mark?

If so keep a reference to your window instance and call open on it via a
button as you already do,...

If you want multiple windows, change :

private var win:BasicWindow = new BasicWindow();


private var winsAC:ArrayCollection = new ArrayCollection() ;

and then:

private function createWindow():void{
//Alert.show("I am here");

win = new BasicWindow() ;
win.showText = "Show me on the Window";

Not tested, but looks logical ....

On Thu, Dec 18, 2008 at 10:14 AM, Haykel BEN JEMIA <hayke...@gmail.com>wrote:

>   You can't show one instance many times. You will have to create as many
> instances as you need windows.
> private function createWindow(message:String):void
> {
>   var win:BasicWindow = new BasicWindow();
>   win.showText = message;
>   win.open();
> }
> You will have to manage all the instances created.
> Haykel Ben Jemia
> Allmas
> Web & RIA Development
> http://www.allmas-tn.com
> On Wed, Dec 17, 2008 at 10:50 PM, markflex2007 <markflex2...@yahoo.com>wrote:
>>   Hi,
>> I have a component file.
>> BasicWindow.mxml
>> <?xml version="1.0" encoding="utf-8"?>
>> <mx:Window xmlns:mx="http://www.adobe.com/2006/mxml";
>> layout="absolute" width="300" height="200">
>> <mx:Script>
>> <![CDATA[
>> [Bindable]
>> public var showText:String;
>> ]]>
>> </mx:Script>
>> <mx:Label horizontalCenter="0" y="58" text="{showText}" id="lbl"/>
>> </mx:Window>
>> This is the main file,but I only can open the window once,I want to
>> know how to open it many times.Please help me.Thanks
>> main.mxml
>> private var win:BasicWindow = new BasicWindow();
>> private function createWindow():void{
>> //Alert.show("I am here");
>> win.showText = "Show me on the Window";
>> win.open();
>> }
>> <mx:Button label="Open Window" click="this.createWindow()"
>> horizontalCenter="0" y="50"/>

Fotis Chatzinikos, Ph.D.

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