I just saw this... and had to respond. Is there a reason you aren¹t using
the Ajax approach to Spring Security? If you did ­ you wouldn¹t have to be
thinking of your app in Œpieces.¹

Rick Winscot

On 9/22/08 11:37 AM, "djohnson29" <djohnso...@yahoo.com> wrote:

> Thanks for your suggestions.  The reason I want Login to be a separate
> application is because I am using Spring Security to secure the app.
> Therefore, Login.mxml I want to be accessible to everyone, but in
> order to access Main.mxml the user will have to have the required
> Spring Security ROLE to be able to access it.
> I was able to get this to work but not by passing the logged in values
> to the 2nd app.  Instead, upon a successful login I load Main.mxml and
> in the 2nd app's creationComplete event I use an HTTP service to call
> a java delegate class which talks to Spring Security directly and
> fetches the login info again.
> --- In flexcoders@yahoogroups.com <mailto:flexcoders%40yahoogroups.com> ,
> "djohnson29" <djohnso...@...> wrote:
>> >
>> > I have 2 Flex Applications, Login.mxml and Main.mxml.  Login.mxml
>> > handles the use Login and upon a successful authentication (with
>> > Spring Security), I want to load Main.mxml (Main.html which contains
>> > Main.swf)
>> > 
>> > After a successfully logging in with spring security, from Login.mxml
>> > I load the main app like so:
>> > 
>> > 
>> > var url:URLRequest = new URLRequest(Main.html");
>> > var uv:URLVariables = new URLVariables();
>> > url.method = "POST";
>> > uv.UserName = username;  // string var
>> > navigateToURL(url,"_self");
>> > 
>> > Main.html (containing Main.swf) loads successfully, but I am unable to
>> > extract the desired parameters.  I want to pass the logged in user
>> > info from Login to Main.
>> > 
>> > How do I access these URLVariables from the newly loaded Application?
>> > 
>> > What is the best (simplest!) way to do this?
>> > 
>> > Thanks
>> >

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