Thanks for the reply Li, but that does not work.  I think the
trasnparent mode was for popups or something if I recall

For completeness of Flex Coders search, Aran Rhee on the swfobject
list provided the fix:

1. give your page(s) the "mark of the web" - by adding this line to your
HTML page. This circumvents IE's "local machine lockdown" which was
introduced in XP SP2 and Vista. This line should go just after your DOCTYPE

<!-- saved from url=(0014)about:internet -->

More info here:

So if you take the examples online and try them in flex builder, just
add that saved from url tag.  This is included in the default adobe
html too

On Fri, Jan 2, 2009 at 6:18 AM, li wenzhi <> wrote:
> you need to set the wmode to transparent:
> var flashvars = {};
> var params = {wmode:"transparent"};
> var attributes = {};
> swfobject.embedSWF("myContent.swf", "myContent", "300", "120",
> "9.0.0","expressInstall.swf", flashvars, params, attributes);
> --------------------------------------------------
> lwz7512
> Ultrapower Flex Team Leader
> ________________________________
> From: Rick Schmitty <>
> To:
> Sent: Wednesday, December 31, 2008 10:54:10 PM
> Subject: Re: [flexcoders] Flex Builder 3 and SWFObject with IE - blocked
> content
> There are indeed a bunch of examples, but none mention the use of Flex
> Builder debuging in IE that I've seen. I've tried the included
> examples with SWFObject 2.1, the SWFObject 2 html generator and
> somebody's example for use with Flex Builder
> I'm wondering if Flex Builder modifies some kind of security white
> list in IE so they are allowed to run the adobe javascript w/o
> 'warnings'
> On Tue, Dec 30, 2008 at 2:05 PM, Tracy Spratt <tspr...@lariatinc. com>
> wrote:
>> Oops, sorry, maybe. You are past where I can help. Surely there are some
>> full examples using swfobject?
>> Tracy
>> ____________ _________ _________ __
>> From: flexcod...@yahoogro [mailto:flexcod...@yahoogro] On
>> Behalf Of Rick Schmitty
>> Sent: Monday, December 29, 2008 9:08 PM
>> To: flexcod...@yahoogro
>> Subject: Re: [flexcoders] Flex Builder 3 and SWFObject with IE - blocked
>> content
>> Sorry.. confused... isn't that what my html is doing?
>> SWFObject is instantiating FlashPlayer afaik?
>> On Mon, Dec 29, 2008 at 3:10 PM, Tracy Spratt <tspr...@lariatinc. com>
>> wrote:
>>> The way around that IE thing is, instead of directly declaring the
>>> Object/embed tag, use javascript to instantiate the FlashPlayer. That is
>>> why the generated wrapper calls the function in the .js file.
>>> Tracy
>>> ____________ _________ _________ __
>>> From: flexcod...@yahoogro [mailto:flexcod...@yahoogro] On
>>> Behalf Of Rick Schmitty
>>> Sent: Monday, December 29, 2008 2:14 PM
>>> To: flexcod...@yahoogro
>>> Subject: [flexcoders] Flex Builder 3 and SWFObject with IE - blocked
>>> content
>>> I'm trying to use swfobject in Flex builder and running into some
>>> issues debugging.
>>> When I launch a debugging session, IE always says it is blocking
>>> content and I have to click to allow blocked content each time
>>> Is there some trick to get it to work? I'm assuming the built in
>>> Adobe JS gets some kinda 'pass' somewhere such that IE doesnt complain
>>> about it
>>> Here's my index.template. html
>>> <html lang="en">
>>> <head>
>>> <title>My Flex App</title>
>>> <meta http-equiv=" Content-Type" content="text/ html; charset=utf- 8" />
>>> <script type="text/javascri pt" src="js/swfobject. js"></script>
>>> <script type="text/javascri pt" src="js/swfaddress. js"></script>
>>> <style>
>>> body { margin: 0px; overflow:hidden }
>>> </style>
>>> </head>
>>> <body scroll="no">
>>> <div id="content" >
>>> <p>In order to view this you need JavaScript and Flash Player 9 or
>>> greater</p>
>>> </div>
>>> <script type="text/javascri pt">
>>> // <![CDATA[
>>> var so = new SWFObject('$ {swf}.swf' , '${application} ', '100%',
>>> '100%', '9', '${bgcolor}' );
>>> so.useExpressInstal l('playerProduct Install.swf' );
>>> so.addParam( 'menu', 'false');
>>> so.write('content' );
>>> // ]]>
>>> </script>
>>> </body>
>>> </html>

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